Starting and Quitting MATLAB

    Starting MATLAB
        Starting MATLAB on Windows Platforms
        Starting MATLAB on UNIX Platforms
        Startup Directory for MATLAB
        Startup Options
        Toolbox Path Caching

    Quitting MATLAB
        Running a Script When Quitting MATLAB

Using the Desktop

    What the Desktop Is
    Desktop Tools
        Start Button and Launch Pad

    Configuring the Desktop
        Opening and Closing Desktop Tools
        Resizing Windows
        Moving Windows
        Using Predefined Desktop Configurations

    Common Desktop Features
        Status Bar
        Desktop Toolbar
        Context Menus
        Keyboard Shortcuts
        Selecting Multiple Items
        Using the Clipboard
        Page Setup Options for Printing
        Accessing The MathWorks on the Web

    Setting Preferences
        Using the Preferences Dialog Box
        Summary of Preferences
        General Preferences for MATLAB

Running MATLAB Functions

    Opening the Command Window
    Running Functions and Entering Variables
        Entering Statements at the Command Line Prompt
        Evaluating a Selection
        Opening a Selection
        Hyperlinks to Run Functions
        Running One Process

    Controlling Input and Output
        Case and Space Sensitivity
        Entering Multiple Functions in a Line
        Entering Long Lines
        Syntax Highlighting and Parentheses Matching
        Command Line Editing
        Clearing the Command Window
        Suppressing Output
        Paging of Output in the Command Window
        Formatting and Spacing Numeric Output
        Printing Command Window Contents
        Keeping a Session Log

    Searching in the Command Window
        Find Dialog
        Incremental Search

    Running Programs
        Running M-Files
        Interrupting a Running Program
        Running External Programs
        Opening M-Files
        Examining Errors

    Preferences for the Command Window
        Text Display and Display Preferences for the Command Window
        Font & Colors Preferences for the Command Window
        Keyboard and Indenting Preferences for the Command Window

    Command History
        Viewing Statements in the Command History Window
        Running Statements from the Command History Window
        Copying Statements from the Command History Window
        Searching in the Command History
        Printing the Command History
        Preferences for Command History

Getting Help

    Types of Documentation
    Using the Help Browser
        Resizing the Help Browser

    Finding Information with the Help Browser
        Using the Product Filter
        Viewing the Contents Listing in the Help Browser
        Finding Documentation Using the Index
        Searching Documentation
        Running Demonstrations

    Viewing Documentation in the Display Pane
        Browsing to Other Pages
        Following Links
        Revisiting Pages
        Finding Terms in Displayed Pages
        Copying Information
        Evaluating a Selection
        Viewing the Page Source (HTML)
        Viewing Web Pages and Other Documents

    Preferences for the Help Browser
        Documentation Location--Specifying the help Directory
        Product Filter--Limiting the Product Documentation
        PDF Reader--Specifying Its Location
        General--Synchronizing the Contents Pane with the Displayed Page
        Help Fonts Preferences--Specifying Font Name, Style, and Size

    Printing Documentation
        Printing a Page from the Help Browser
        Printing the PDF Version of Documentation

    Using Help Functions
        Viewing Function Reference Pages--the doc Function
        Getting Help in the Command Window--the help Function

    Other Forms of Help
        Product-Specific Help Features
        Downloading M-Files
        Participating in the Newsgroup for MathWorks Products
        Contacting Technical Support
        Providing Feedback
        Getting Version and License Information
        Accessing Documentation for Other Products

Workspace, Search Path, and File Operations

    MATLAB Workspace
        Opening the Workspace Browser
        Viewing the Current Workspace
        Saving the Current Workspace
        Loading a Saved Workspace and Importing Data
        Changing and Copying Variable Names
        Clearing Workspace Variables
        Viewing Base and Function Workspaces Using the Stack
        Creating Graphics from the Workspace Browser
        Opening Variables and Objects for Viewing and Editing
        Preferences for the Workspace Browser

    Viewing and Editing Workspace Variables with the Array Editor
        Opening the Array Editor
        Controlling the Display of Values in the Array Editor
        Navigating in the Array Editor
        Changing Array Size and Content of Elements in the Array Editor
        Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete in the Array Editor
        Preferences for the Array Editor

    Search Path
        Purpose of the Search Path
        How the Search Path Works
        Viewing and Setting the Search Path

    File Operations
        Current Directory Field
        Current Directory Browser
        Viewing and Making Changes to Directories
        Creating, Renaming, Copying, and Removing Directories and Files
        Opening, Running, and Viewing the Content of Files
        Finding and Replacing Content Within Files
        Accessing Source Control Features
        Preferences for the Current Directory Browser

Importing and Exporting Data

    Importing Text Data
        Using the Import Wizard with Text Data
        Using Import Functions with Text Data
        Importing Numeric Text Data
        Importing Delimited ASCII Data Files
        Importing Numeric Data with Text Headers
        Importing Mixed Alphabetic and Numeric Data

    Exporting ASCII Data
        Exporting Delimited ASCII Data Files
        Using the diary Command to Export Data

    Importing Binary Data
        Using the Import Wizard with Binary Data Files
        Using Import Functions with Binary Data

    Exporting Binary Data
        Exporting MATLAB Graphs in AVI Format

    Importing HDF Data
        Using the HDF Import Tool
        Opening a File in the HDF Import Tool
        Selecting a Data Set to Import
        Data Subsetting Options
        Importing Data Using the HDF Import Tool
        Using the MATLAB High-Level Import Function
        Using the HDF Command-Line Interface
        MATLAB HDF Function Calling Conventions

    Exporting MATLAB Data in an HDF File
        The HDF SD Export Programming Model
        Including Metadata in an HDF File
        Using the MATLAB HDF Utility API
        Getting More Information About HDF

    Using Low-Level File I/O Functions
        Opening Files
        Reading Binary Data
        Writing Binary Data
        Controlling Position in a File
        Reading Strings Line by Line from Text Files
        Reading Formatted ASCII Data
        Writing Formatted Text Files
        Closing a File

    Exchanging Files with the Internet
        Downloading URL Content
        ZIP Functions
        Sending E-Mail

Editing and Debugging M-Files

    Ways to Edit and Debug M-Files in MATLAB
    Starting the Editor/Debugger
        Creating a New M-File in the Editor/Debugger
        Opening Existing M-Files in the Editor/Debugger
        Opening the Editor Without Starting MATLAB
        Closing the Editor/Debugger

    Creating and Editing M-Files with the Editor/Debugger
        Appearance of an M-File
        Navigating in an M-File
        Opening a Selection in an M-File
        Saving M-Files
        Running M-Files from the Editor/Debugger
        Printing an M-File
        Closing M-Files

    Debugging M-Files
        Types of Errors
        Finding Errors
        Debugging Example--The Collatz Problem
        Trial Run for Example
        Using Debugging Features

    Preferences for the Editor/Debugger
        General Preferences for the Editor/Debugger
        Font & Colors Preferences for the Editor/Debugger
        Display Preferences for the Editor/Debugger
        Keyboard and Indenting Preferences for the Editor/Debugger
        Autosave Preferences for the Editor/Debugger

Interfacing with Source Control Systems

    Source Control Interface on PC Platforms
        Selecting and Viewing the Source Control System
        Adding Files to the Source Control System
        Checking Files Out of the Source Control System
        Checking Files into the Source Control System
        Getting the Latest Version of Files from the Source Control System
        Undoing the Check-Out
        Removing Files from the Source Control System
        Showing File History
        Comparing the Working Copy of a File to the Latest Version in Source Control
        Displaying Source Control Properties of a File
        Starting the Source Control System
        Using the Source Control Interface from the MATLAB Command Window

    Source Control Interface on UNIX Platforms
        Selecting and Viewing the Source Control System
        Checking Files into the Source Control System
        Checking Files Out of the Source Control System
        Undoing the Check-Out

Using Notebook

    Notebook Basics
        Creating an M-Book
        Entering MATLAB Commands in an M-Book
        Protecting the Integrity of Your Workspace
        Ensuring Data Consistency

    Defining MATLAB Commands as Input Cells
        Defining Cell Groups
        Defining Autoinit Input Cells
        Defining Calc Zones
        Converting an Input Cell to Text

    Evaluating MATLAB Commands
        Evaluating Cell Groups
        Evaluating a Range of Input Cells
        Evaluating a Calc Zone
        Evaluating an Entire M-Book
        Using a Loop to Evaluate Input Cells Repeatedly
        Converting Output Cells to Text
        Deleting Output Cells

    Printing and Formatting an M-Book
        Printing an M-Book
        Modifying Styles in the M-Book Template
        Choosing Loose or Compact Format
        Controlling Numeric Output Format
        Controlling Graphic Output

    Configuring Notebook
    Notebook Feature Reference
        Bring MATLAB to Front
        Define Autoinit Cell
        Define Calc Zone
        Define Input Cell
        Evaluate Calc Zone
        Evaluate Cell
        Evaluate Loop
        Evaluate M-Book
        Group Cells
        Hide Cell Markers
        Notebook Options
        Purge Selected Output Cells
        Toggle Graph Output for Cell
        Undefine Cells
        Ungroup Cells
