Development Environment |
Desktop Tools
The following tools are managed by the MATLAB desktop, although not all of them appear by default when you first start. If you prefer a command-line interface, you can use equivalent functions to perform most of the features found in the MATLAB desktop tools. You need to use these equivalent functions to perform the operations in M-files. Instructions for using these function equivalents are provided with the documentation for each tool.
- Start Button and Launch Pad--Run tools and access documentation for all of your MathWorks products.
- Command Window--Run MATLAB functions.
- Command History--View a log of the functions you entered in the Command Window, copy them, and execute them.
- Help Browser--View and search the documentation for the full family of MATLAB products.
- Current Directory Browser--View MATLAB files and related files, perform file operations such as open, and find content.
- Workspace Browser--View and make changes to the contents of the workspace.
- Array Editor--View array contents in a table format and edit the values.
- Editor/Debugger--Create, edit, and debug M-files (files containing MATLAB functions).
- Profiler--Assess the performance of your M-files using this graphical interface.
Other MATLAB tools and windows, such as figure windows, are not managed by the desktop.
| What the Desktop Is | | Start Button and Launch Pad | |