Development Environment    

Preferences for the Current Directory Browser

Using preferences, you can specify the number of recently used current directories to maintain in the history list as well as the type of information to display in the Current Directory browser.

From the Current Directory browser File menu, select Preferences. The Current Directory Preferences panel appears in the Preferences dialog box.


The dropdown list in the Current Directory browser toolbar, as well as in the MATLAB desktop Current Directory field, show the history of current directories, that is, the most recently used current directories.

Removing Directories.   To remove the entries in the list, click Clear History. The list is cleared immediately.

Saving Directories.   When the MATLAB session ends, the list of directories will be maintained. Use the Save most recent directories field to specify how many directories will appear on the list at the start of the next MATLAB session.

Browser Display Options

In the Current Directory browser, you can view the file type, last modified date, M-file descriptions, and M-file comments and MAT-file contents by selecting the appropriate Browser display options.

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