Development Environment |
Startup Directory for MATLAB
The startup directory is the current directory in MATLAB when it first starts, and depends on your platform and installation. You can specify a different startup directory.
Startup Directory on Windows Platforms
On Windows platforms, when you installed MATLAB, the default startup directory was set to $matlabroot/work
, where $matlabroot
is the directory where MATLAB files are installed.
Startup Directory on UNIX Platforms
On UNIX platforms, the initial current directory is the directory you are in on your UNIX file system when you start MATLAB.
Changing the Startup Directory
You can start MATLAB in a different directory from the default. The directory you specify will be the current working directory when MATLAB starts. To change the startup directory:
file--see Using the Startup File for MATLAB, startup.m.
file, include the cd
function to change to the new directory.
file in the current startup directory.
For Windows Platforms Only. For Windows platforms, this is another way to change the startup directory:
The next time you start MATLAB using that shortcut icon, the current directory will be the one you specified in step 2.
You can make multiple shortcuts to start MATLAB, each with its own startup directory, and with each startup directory having different startup options.
Starting MATLAB | Startup Options |