Development Environment    

General Preferences for MATLAB

These preferences apply to all relevant tools in MATLAB.


To show tooltips when you hold the cursor over a toolbar button in the MATLAB desktop, select the Show tooltips check box.

Toolbox path caching

See Toolbox Path Caching.

Font & Colors

Desktop font.   Desktop font preferences specify the characteristics of the font used in tools under the control of the MATLAB desktop. The font characteristics are

After you make a selection, the Sample area shows how the font will look. Lucida Console approximates the fixedsys font available in previous versions of MATLAB.

You can specify a different font for the Command Window, Editor/Debugger, Help browser, Workspace browser, and Array Editor using preferences for those tools.

Syntax highlighting colors.   Select the colors to use to highlight syntax. For more information, see Syntax Highlighting and Parentheses Matching.

Click Restore Default Colors to return to the default settings. The following example uses the default values for color preferences.

Source Control

Specify the source control system you want to interface MATLAB to. For more information, see Interfacing with Source Control Systems.

  Setting Preferences Running MATLAB Functions