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Exporting MATLAB Data in an HDF File

To export data from MATLAB in an HDF file, you must use the functions in the HDF API associated with the HDF data type. Each API has a particular programming model, that is, a prescribed way to use the routines to write data sets to the file. (In HDF terminology, the numeric arrays stored in HDF files are called data sets.)

To illustrate this concept, this section describes the programming model of one particular HDF API: the HDF Scientific Data (SD) API. To view a complete list of the HDF APIs supported by MATLAB, view HDF APIs Supported by MATLAB.

This section covers these topics:
The HDF SD Export Programming Model
Provides an overview of the HDF SD programming model, including how to create an HDF file, create an HDF data set in the file, write data to the data set, and close the file
Including Metadata in an HDF File
Describes how to write metadata to an HDF SD file
Using the MATLAB HDF Utility API
Describes the functions in the MATLAB HDF Utility API, such as the MLlistinfo function
Getting More Information About HDF
Lists some additional sources of information about HDF

  MATLAB HDF Function Calling Conventions The HDF SD Export Programming Model