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Controlling Graphic Output

This section describes how to control several aspects of the graphic output produced by MATLAB commands in an M-book, including

Embedding Graphic Output in the M-Book

By default, graphic output is embedded in an M-book. To display graphic output in a separate figure window:

  1. Select Notebook -> Notebook Options.
  2. In the Notebook Options dialog box, clear the Embed Figures in M-book check box.

  3. Click OK.

Notebook determines whether to embed a figure in the M-book by examining the value of the figure object's Visible property. If the value of the property is off, Notebook embeds the figure. If the value of this property is on, all graphic output is directed to the current figure window.

Suppressing Graphic Output for Individual Input Cells

If an input or autoinit cell generates figure output that you want to suppress:

  1. Place the cursor in the input cell.
  2. Select Notebook -> Toggle Graph Output for Cell.

Notebook suppresses graphic output from the cell, inserting the string (no graph) after the input cell.

To allow graphic output for a cell, repeat the procedure. Notebook removes the (no graph) marker and allows graphic output from the cell.

Sizing Graphic Output

To set the default size of embedded graphics in an M-book:

  1. Select Notebook -> Notebook Options.
  2. In the Notebook Options dialog box, use the Units, Height, and Width fields to set the size of graphics generated by the M-book.
  3. Click OK.

You change the size of an existing embedded figure by selecting the figure, clicking the left mouse button anywhere in the figure, and dragging the resize handles of the figure. If you resize an embedded figure using its resize handles and then regenerate the figure, its size reverts to its original size.

Cropping Graphic Output

To crop an embedded figure to cut off areas you do not want to show:

  1. Select the graphic by clicking the left mouse button anywhere in the figure.
  2. Hold down the Shift key.
  3. Drag a sizing handle toward the center of the graphic.

Adding White Space Around Graphic Output

You can add white space around an embedded figure by moving the boundaries of a graphic outward. Select the graphic, then hold down the Shift key and drag a sizing handle away from the graphic.

Specifying Color Mode

If you print graphic output that includes surfaces or patches, the output uses 16-color mode by default. To use 256-color mode:

  1. Select Notebook -> Notebook Options.
  2. Clear the Use 16-Color Figures check box in the Notebook Options dialog box.
  3. Click OK.

  Controlling Numeric Output Format Configuring Notebook