Development Environment    

Selecting and Viewing the Source Control System

To select the source control system to interface, follow these steps:

  1. From the MATLAB Desktop, select Preferences from the File menu. You can also select this from Simulink and Stateflow model and library windows.
  1. The Preferences dialog box opens.

  1. Click the + for General and then select Source Control.
  1. The currently selected system is shown. The list box will be populated by the systems installed in the machine that support the Microsoft Common Source Control standard. The default selection is None.

  1. Select the system you want to use from the Source control system list.
  2. Click OK.

Function Alternative for Viewing the Source Control System

  1. To view the currently selected system, type
  1. ans =

    Microsoft Visual SourceSafe

  1. To view all of the source control systems installed on your computer, type
  1. verctrl ('all_systems')

    MATLAB displays all the source control systems currently installed in your computer. For example:

    ans =

    'Microsoft Visual SourceSafe'

    'Jalindi Igloo'

  1. To open the currently selected source control system, type
  1. verctrl ('runscc', winhandle)

  Source Control Interface on PC Platforms Adding Files to the Source Control System