Development Environment |
Ensuring Data Consistency
An M-book can be thought of as a sequential record of a MATLAB session. When executed in order, from the first MATLAB command to the last, the M-book accurately reflects the relationships among these commands.
If, however, you change an input cell or output cell as you refine your M-book, Notebook does not automatically recalculate input cells that depend on either the contents or the results of the changed cells. As a result, the M-book may contain inconsistent data.
When working on an M-book, you might find it useful to select Evaluate M-book periodically to ensure that your M-book data is consistent. You could also use calc zones to isolate related commands in a section of the M-book. You can then use Evaluate Calc Zone to execute only those input cells contained in the calc zone.
Protecting the Integrity of Your Workspace | Defining MATLAB Commands as Input Cells |