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Displaying Source Control Properties of a File

You can display the properties of a single file from the source control system. Note that you cannot display the properties of multiple files. To display the properties of a file:

  1. Select Source Control -> Show Properties from the File menu in the MATLAB Editor, Simulink model, or Stateflow model.
  1. A dialog box from the source control system being used opens. Below is a Microsoft Visual SourceSafe properties dialog box.

Function Alternative for Displaying File Properties

Use properties as the first argument in the verctrl function to display the properties of a file. Note that the verctrl function with the properties argument returns a logical 1 to the workspace if the file has changed on disk or a logical 0 to the workspace if the file has not changed on disk. The verctrl function with the properties argument has this form:

  Comparing the Working Copy of a File to the Latest Version in Source Control Starting the Source Control System