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Vismod Affiliates
Vismod affiliates include graduates, and
former postdocs, faculty, staff, UROPS, and visitors.
In Memory
Martin Friedmann - September 5, 1965 - February 1, 1995
Former Faculty
Bernd Girod
Edward Adelson
Aaron Bobick
Former Research Staff
Irfan Essa
Matthew Brand
Hong Z. Tan
Former Postdocs
Martin Bischel
Sven Dickinson
Joseph Francos
David Heeger
Constance Royden
Chahab Nastar
Bernt Schiele
Claudio Pinhanez
Ph.D. Graduates
Matthew Turk
Roz Picard
Bill Freeman
Eero Simoncelli
Alex Sherstinsky
Stan Sclaroff
Trevor Darrell
John Wang
Irfan Essa
Ali Azarbayejani
Baback Moghaddam
Kris Popat
Fang Liu
Steve Mann
Thad Starner
Claudio Pinhanez
Deb Roy
Stephen Intille
Teresa Marrin
Nuria Oliver
Jim Davis
Jennifer Healey
Tom Minka
Christopher Wren
Andy Wilson
M.S. Graduates
(except those currently enrolled in Ph.D. program)
John Maeda
Stephen Scherock
Michael Sokolov
Peg Schafer
Bradley Horowitz
Martin Friedmann
Pawan Sinha
Monika Gorkani
George Chou
Chris Perry
Ujjaval (Bobby) Desai
Sourabh Niyogi
Joshua Wachman
Matt Krom
Dave Becker
Jonathan Klein
Dana Kirsch
M.Eng. Graduates
Donald Tanguay
Katerina Nguyen
Peter Yao
Jeff Levine
Wasi Wahid
Ifung Lu
Other students
Martin Szummer
Jacob Strom
Former support staff
Laureen Chapman
Judy Bornstein
Laurie Ward
Kate Mongiat
Former tech staff
Jan Matlis
Nathan Williams
Erik Trimble
Former visiting scientists
Jake Aggarwal
Sung-Jae Kwon
Bill Welsh
Mark Shackleton
Phil Smythe
David Allport
Former UROPs (there are many not listed here)
Andreas Argyriou
Tze Ho Lee
Aaron Thomason
Oliver Yip
Gilbert Leung
Ann Bui
Chris Graczyk
Matt Reynolds
Ken Russell
Michal Hlavac
Chloe Chao
Cyrus Eyster
Rob Gruhl
Madhulika Jain
Travell Perkins
Marc Lebovitz
Ben Walter
Other Friends
Yair Weiss
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