Matt Reynolds

BS candidate in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Technical interests
Wide-bandwidth wireless networks, protocols, and error-correcting codes, power-efficient electronics

Advisor: Roz Picard

Working with: Steve Mann

System Administrator Intern
MIT Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

System Administrator/Webmaster
Adirondack Technologies

Project Description

The Wearable Wireless Webcam is one application of mobile computing. Other applications include portable data storage devices that will supply easily forgotten information for quick reference. These devices do not become truly powerful until they are connected to large computer networks. So, the development of portable networking equipment is an essential part of making portable computers useful for everyday tasks.
Backpacking, hiking, and natural sciences

Syracuse, New York

A favorite book
Erec and Enide

Most wishes to have dinner with

Personal Web Page

Vismod Home Page