Stan Sclaroff

Current title: Assistant Professor

Computer Science Department
Boston University
111 Cummington St, MCS 279
Boston, MA 02215

Research interests
Computer analysis and understanding of the shapes found in images and graphics. Broader interests are in machine vision, computer graphics, physically-based modeling, computer aided design, and computational geometry.

Advisor: Sandy Pentland

BS, Computer Science and English
Tufts University, 1984

SM, Media Laboratory
MIT, 1991

PhD, Media Arts and Sciences
MIT, 1995

Senior Software Engineer (1984-1989)
Graphics and Solids Modeling Groups
Applicon (Schlumberger Technologies CAD/CAM Division)
Billerica, MA

Programmer (1983-1984)
Portable Software
Cambridge, MA

Research Description

I have been pursuing research in the area of deformable shape representations. In particular, I have applied concepts from finite element analysis to problems associated with matching and manipulating shapes found in various multimedia signals. I have developed a new formulation called "modal matching" that makes it easy to measure signal similarity in terms of deformation. The main application focus is searching large image databases based on matching signal shapes. I have also been exploring applications of this general signal matching framework to sensor fusion, image metamorphosis, and data compression.

(Figure adapted from D'Arcy Thompson's book On Growth and Form.)

Selected Publications

Modal Matching for Correspondence and Recognition
S. Sclaroff and A. Pentland
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, June 1995.

Physically-based Combinations of Views: Representing Rigid and Nonrigid Motion
S. Sclaroff and A. Pentland
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Nonrigid and Articulate Motion, Austin, TX, Nov. 1994.

On Modal Modeling for Medical Data: Underconstrained Shape Description and Data Compression
S. Sclaroff and A. Pentland
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis , Seattle, WA, June 1994.

Object Recognition and Categorization Using Modal Matching.
S. Sclaroff and A. Pentland
Proc. IEEE CAD-Based Vision Workshop , Seven Springs, PA, Feb. 1994.

Photobook: Tools for Content-Based Manipulation of Image Databases
A. Pentland, R. Picard, and S. Sclaroff
Proc. SPIE Conf. on Storage and Retrieval of Image Databases II , San Jose, CA, Feb. 1994.

Vision-Based Animation
S. Sclaroff, I. Essa, and A. Pentland
Proc. Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation, Cambridge, England, Sept. 1992.

Non-Rigid Motion and Structure from Contour
A. Pentland, B. Horowitz, and S. Sclaroff
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Visual Motion, pp.288--293, Princeton, Oct. 1991.

Generalized Implicit Functions for Computer Graphics.
S. Sclaroff and A. Pentland
ACM Computer Graphics 25(4), pp. 247--250, Aug. 1991.

Closed-Form Solutions for Physically-Based Modeling and Recognition
A. Pentland and S. Sclaroff
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 13(7), pp. 715--729, July 1991.

Swimming, biking, food, gardening, and bad movies

Mt. Holly, NJ

A favorite book
PERFUME, by Patrick Suskind

Most wishes to have dinner with
John Waters

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