Matthew Turk

Current title: Researcher

Microsoft Corp.
One Microsoft Way, 9s/1085
Redmond, WA 98052

Research/Job interests
Computer vision applied to human/computer interaction. Image database query and annotation.

Vismod Advisor: Sandy Pentland

1991 Ph.D., MIT, Media Laboratory
1982 M.S., Carnegie Mellon Univ., Dept. of Elec. and Computer Engr.
1978 B.S., Virginia Tech, Elec. Engr. Dept.

Computer Scientist, Teleos Research, 1993-94
Visiting Researcher, LIFIA (Grenoble, France), 1992
Senior Engineer, Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace, 1984-87

Project/Research Description

Computer vision research at Microsoft Research. I'm interested in vision applications that affect the way people communicate with machines.

Project(s) in Vismod

I worked with Sandy Pentland on human face recognition, developing a technique generically refered to as "eigenfaces" to represent, locate, and identify faces. I built a system to track a person in a room, find his or her head, and then attempt to recognize the individual.

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