Dr. William (Bill) T. Freeman
Current title: Research Scientist
Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs
201 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
- Research/Job interests
- Various topics in computer vision and image processing. Bayesian
models of perception. Hand gesture recognition. Color and shape
perception. Exploiting the generic viewpoint assumption. Steerable
filters and steerable pyramids. Image representation.
- Vismod Advisor: Ted Adelson
- Education
Ph.D., Media Arts and Sciences, MIT, 1992
M.S., Applied Physics, Cornell University, 1981
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1979
B.S., Physics, Stanford University, 1979
- Experience
1992 - present:
Research Scientist,
Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs.
1986 - 1987:
Foreign Expert, Taiyuan University of Technology, P. R. China.
1981 - 1986:
Principal Engineer, Polaroid Corporation.
Project/Research Description
The charter of Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) is to explore
uses of computers 10 and 20 years in the future. At MERL, I study
problems in computer vision, and their applications. I am interested
in Bayesian models of visual perception, currently focusing on color
and shape perception. I am also interested in exploiting the generic
viewpoint assumption, and related assumptions, in computational
At MERL, I have developed real-time algorithms for hand gesture
recognition, and for the control of appliances by hand gestures. I am
interested in related problems of the human-computer interface.
Selected Publications
- W. T. Freeman, "The generic viewpoint assumption in a framework for
visual perception", Nature, vol. 368, p. 542 - 545, April 7, 1994.
- D. H. Brainard and W. T. Freeman, "Bayesian method for recovering
surface and illuminant properties from photosensor responses", in
Human Vision, Visual Processing and Digital Display V, SPIE
Proceedings Series, vol. 2179, 1994.
- W. T. Freeman and M. Roth, "Orientation Histograms for Hand Gesture
Recognition", MERL Technical Report 94-03, Mitsubishi Electric
Research Labs, 201 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139, 1994.
- W. T. Freeman, "Exploiting the generic view assumption to estimate
scene parameters," IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
Berlin, Germany, 1993.
- W. T. Freeman, "Steerable filters and local analysis of image
structure", Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992.
Also as MIT Media Lab Vision and Modeling Group Technical Report 190.
- E. P. Simoncelli, W. T. Freeman, E. H. Adelson, and D. J. Heeger,
"Shiftable multi-scale transforms", IEEE Trans. Information Theory
special issue on wavelets, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 587 - 607, March, 1992.
- W. T. Freeman and E. H. Adelson, "The design and use of steerable
filters," IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 891 - 906, September, 1991.
- W. T. Freeman, E. H. Adelson, and D. J. Heeger, "Motion without
movement," ACM Computer Graphics, vol. 25, no. 4, (SIGGRAPH '91),
pp. 27 - 30, July, 1991.
- W. T. Freeman and E. H. Adelson, "Steerable filters for early vision,
image analysis, and wavelet decomposition," IEEE International
Conference on Computer Vision, Osaka, Japan, 1990.
- E. H. Adelson, E. P. Simoncelli, and W. T. Freeman, "Pyramids and
multiscale representations," Proc. 13th European Conference on Visual
Perception, Paris, 1990.
Project(s) in Vismod
Developed "steerable filters," a class of oriented filters with
applications in image processing and computer vision. Designed a
"steerable pyramid", a multi-scale, orientation-tuned image
decomposition and explored applications for shape-from-shading and
noise removal. Used steerable filters to classify junctions as X, T,
or L. Based on that classification, developed algorithms to label
contours as being caused by shading, occlusion or transparency.
Developed "motion without movement", a novel motion display technique
using steerable filters. Analyzed the generic viewpoint assumption in
a Bayesian framework, which allows computer vision algorithms to
exploit that assumption.