
    What Is MATLAB?
        The MATLAB System

    MATLAB Documentation
        MATLAB Online Help

Development Environment

    Starting and Quitting MATLAB
        Starting MATLAB
        Quitting MATLAB

    MATLAB Desktop
    Desktop Tools
        Command Window
        Start Button and Launch Pad
        Help Browser
        Current Directory Browser
        Workspace Browser

    Other Development Environment Features

Manipulating Matrices

    Matrices and Magic Squares
        Entering Matrices
        sum, transpose, and diag
        The Colon Operator
        The magic Function

        Examples of Expressions

    Working with Matrices
        Generating Matrices
        The load Function
        Deleting Rows and Columns

    More About Matrices and Arrays
        Linear Algebra
        Multivariate Data
        Scalar Expansion
        Logical Subscripting
        The find Function

    Controlling Command Window Input and Output
        The format Function
        Suppressing Output
        Entering Long Statements
        Command Line Editing


    Basic Plotting
        Creating a Plot
        Multiple Data Sets in One Graph
        Specifying Line Styles and Colors
        Plotting Lines and Markers
        Imaginary and Complex Data
        Adding Plots to an Existing Graph
        Figure Windows
        Multiple Plots in One Figure
        Controlling the Axes
        Axis Labels and Titles
        Saving a Figure

    Editing Plots
        Interactive Plot Editing
        Using Functions to Edit Graphs
        Using Plot Editing Mode
        Using the Property Editor

    Mesh and Surface Plots
        Visualizing Functions of Two Variables

    Printing Graphics
    Handle Graphics
        Graphics Objects
        Setting Object Properties
        Finding the Handles of Existing Objects

    Graphics User Interfaces
        Graphical User Interface Design Tools

        Erase Mode Method
        Creating Movies

Programming with MATLAB

    Flow Control
        switch and case

    Other Data Structures
        Multidimensional Arrays
        Cell Arrays
        Characters and Text

    Scripts and Functions
        Global Variables
        Passing String Arguments to Functions
        The eval Function
        Function Handles
        Function Functions

    Demonstration Programs Included with MATLAB
        Matrix Demonstration Programs
        Numeric Demonstration Programs
        Graphics Demonstration Programs
        Language Demonstration Programs
        ODE Suite Demonstration Programs
        Automation Client Interface (COM)
        Gallery Demonstration Programs
        Miscellaneous Demonstration Programs
        Getting More Information