Getting Started with GUIDE

    GUIDE - GUI Development Environment
        GUIDE Toolset

    GUI FIG-Files and M-Files
    Using GUIDE Templates

Example: Creating a GUI

    Designing the GUI
    Laying Out the GUI
        Layout and Code for the Example
        Open a New GUI in the Layout Editor
        Set the GUI Figure Size
        Add the Components
        Align the Objects

    Programming the GUI
        Set Properties for the GUI Components
        Opening the GUI M-File
        Opening Function
        Sharing Data Between Callbacks
        Adding Code to the Opening Function
        Adding Code to the Callbacks
        Using the Object Browser to Identify Callbacks

    Saving and Running the GUI


    What Is a GUI?
    Creating GUIs with GUIDE
        GUI Development Environment
        Editing Version 5 GUIs with Version 6 GUIDE

    Using GUIDE Templates
        Blank GUI
        GUI with UIcontrols
        GUI with Axes and Menu
        Modal Question Dialog

    Example: Using the Modal Dialog to Confirm an Operation
        View the Layout and GUI M-File
        Setting Up the Close Confirmation Dialog
        Setting Up the GUI with the Close Button
        Running the GUI with the Close Button
        How the GUI and Dialog Work

    Example: Displaying an Image File
    Selecting GUI Options
        Configuring the GUI M-File
        Resize Behavior
        Command-Line Accessibility
        Generate FIG-File and M-File
        Generate Callback Function Prototypes
        GUI Allows Only One Instance to Run (Singleton)
        Using the System Background Colors
        Generate FIG-File Only

    User Interface Controls
        Push Buttons
        Toggle Buttons
        Radio Buttons
        Check Boxes
        Edit Text
        Static Text
        List Boxes
        Pop-Up Menus
        Enabling or Disabling Controls

    Renaming GUI Files and Tags
        Renaming GUI Files Using Save As
        Changing Component Tag Properties
        Updating Callback Properties and Functions After Changing Tags
        Changing the Name of Callback Properties

    Exporting a GUI to a Single M-File

GUIDE Layout Tools

    Laying Out GUIs - The Layout Editor
        Placing Objects In the Layout Area
        Running the GUI
        Saving the Layout
        Displaying Your GUI
        Layout Editor Preferences
        Layout Editor Context Menus

    Aligning Components in the Layout Editor
        Aligning Groups of Components - The Alignment Tool
        Grids and Rulers
        Aligning Components to Guide Lines
        Front to Back Positioning

    Setting Component Properties - The Property Inspector
    Viewing the Object Hierarchy - The Object Browser
    Creating Menus - The Menu Editor
        Defining Menus for the Menu Bar
        Menu Callbacks
        Defining Context Menus

    Setting the Tab Order - The Tab Order Editor

Programming GUIs

    Understanding the GUI M-File
        Sharing Data with the Handles Structure
        Functions and Callbacks in the M-File
        Opening Function
        Output Function
        Input and Output Arguments

    Managing GUI Data with the Handles Structure
        Example: Passing Data Between Callbacks
        Application Data

    Designing for Cross-Platform Compatibility
        Using the Default System Font
        Using Standard Background Color
        Cross-Platform Compatible Figure Units

    Types of Callbacks
        Callback Properties for All Graphics Objects
        Callback Properties for Figures
        Which Callback Executes
        Adding A Callback

    Interrupting Executing Callbacks
        Controlling Interruptibility
        The Event Queue
        Event Processing During Callback Execution

    Controlling Figure Window Behavior
        Using Modal Figure Windows

Application Examples

    GUI with Multiple Axes
        Techniques Used in the Example
        View the Layout and GUI M-File
        Design of the GUI
        Plot Push Button Callback

    List Box Directory Reader
        View the Layout and GUI M-File
        Implementing the GUI
        Specifying the Directory to List
        Loading the List Box

    Accessing Workspace Variables from a List Box
        Techniques Used in This Example
        View the Layout and GUI M-File
        Reading Workspace Variables
        Reading the Selections from the List Box

    A GUI to Set Simulink Model Parameters
        Techniques Used in This Example
        View the Layout and GUI M-File
        How to Use the GUI (Text of GUI Help)
        Running the GUI
        Programming the Slider and Edit Text Components
        Running the Simulation from the GUI
        Removing Results from the List Box
        Plotting the Results Data
        The GUI Help Button
        Closing the GUI
        The List Box Callback and Create Function

    An Address Book Reader
        Techniques Used in This Example
        Managing Shared Data
        View the Layout and GUI M-File
        Running the GUI
        Loading an Address Book Into the Reader
        The Contact Name Callback
        The Contact Phone Number Callback
        Paging Through the Address Book - Prev/Next
        Saving Changes to the Address Book from the Menu
        The Create New Menu
        The Address Book Resize Function
