Creating Graphical User Interfaces    

What Is a GUI?

A graphical user interface (GUI) is a user interface built with graphical objects -- the components of the GUI -- such as buttons, text fields, sliders, and menus. If the GUI is designed well-designed, it should be intuitively obvious to the user how its components function. For example, when you move a slider, a value changes; when you click an OK button, your settings are applied and the dialog box is closed. Fortunately, most computer users are already familiar with GUIs and know how to use standard GUI components.

By providing an interface between the user and the application's underlying code, GUIs enable the user to operate the application without knowing the commands would be required by a command line interface. For this reason, applications that provide GUIs are easier to learn and use than those that are run from the command line.

The sections that follow describe how to create GUIs with GUIDE. This includes laying out the components, programming them to do specific things in response to user actions, and saving and opening the GUI.

  MATLAB GUIs Creating GUIs with GUIDE