Real-Time Workshop 5.0 Release Notes

    Release Summary
        New Features and Enhancements
        Major Bug Fixes
        Upgrading from an Earlier Release
        Known Software and Documentation Problems

    New Features and Enhancements
        Code Generation Infrastructure Enhancements
        Code Generation Configuration Features
        Block-level Enhancements
        Target and Mode Enhancements
        TLC, model.rtw, and Library Enhancements
        Documentation Enhancements

    Major Bug Fixes
        ImportedExtern and ImportedExternPointer Storage Class Data No Longer Initialized
        External Mode Properly Handles Systems with no Uploadable Blocks
        Nondefault Ports Now Usable for External Mode on Tornado Platform
        Initialize Block Outputs Even If No Block Output Has Storage Class Auto
        Code Is Generated Without Errors for Single Precision Datatype Block Outputs
        Duplicate #include Statements No Longer Generated
        Custom Storage Classes Ignored When Unlicensed for Embedded Coder
        Erroneous Sample Time Warning Messages No Longer Issued
        Discrete Integrator Block with Rolled Reset No Longer Errors Out
        Rate Limiter Block Code Generation Limitation Removed
        Multiport Switch with Expression Folding Limitation Removed
        Pulse Generator Code Generation Failures Rectified
        Stateflow I/O with ImportedExternPointer Storage Class Now Handled Correctly
        Parameters for S-Function Target Lookup Blocks May Now Be Made Tunable
        PreLook-up Index Search Block Now Handles Discontiguous Wide Input
        SimViewingDevice Subsystem No Longer Fails to Generate Code
        Accelerator Now Works with GCC Compiler on UNIX
        Expression Folding Behavior for Action Subsystems Stabilized
        Dirty Flag No Longer Set During Code Generation
        Subsystem Filenames Now Completely Checked for Illegal Characters
        Sine Wave and Pulse Generator Blocks No Longer Needlessly Use Absolute Time
        Generated Code for Action Subsystems Now Correctly Guards Execution of Fixed in Minor Time Step Blocks
        Report Error when Code Generation Requested for Models with Algebraic Loops

    Platform Limitations for HP and IBM
    Upgrading from an Earlier Release
        Replacing Obsolete Header File #includes
        Custom Code Blocks Moved from Simulink Library
        Updating Custom TLC Code
        Upgrading Customized GRT and GRT-Malloc Targets to Work with Release 13
        The BlockInstanceData Function has been Deprecated

    Known Software and Documentation Problems
        No Code Generation Support for 64-bit Integer Values
        Missing Examples Intended to Describe Combining Multiple Models
        Setting Environment Variable to Run Rapid Simulation Target Executables on Solaris
        Limitation Affecting Rolling Regions of Discontiguous Signals
        Code Generation Failure in Nested Directories Under Windows 98

Real-Time Workshop 4.1 Release Notes

    Release Summary
    New Features
        Block Reduction Option On by Default
        Buffer Reuse Code Generation Option
        Build Directory Validation
        Build Subsystem Enhancements
        C API for Parameter Tuning Documented
        Code Readability Improvements
        Control Flow Blocks Support
        Expression Folding
        External Mode Enhancements
        Generate Comments Option
        Include System Hierarchy in Identifiers
        Rapid Simulation Target Supports Inline Parameters
        S-Function Target Enhancements
        Storage Classes for Block States
        Support for tilde (~) in Filenames on UNIX Platforms
        Target Language Compiler 4.1

    Bug Fixes
        Block Reduction Crash Fixed
        Build Subsystem Gives Better Error Message for Function Call Subsystems
        Check Consistency of Parameter Storage Class and Type Qualifier
        Code Optimization for Unsigned Saturation and DeadZone Blocks
        Correct Code Generation of Fixed-Point Blockset Blocks in DSP Blockset Models
        Correct Compilation with Green Hills and DDI Compilers
        Fixed Build Error with Models Having Names Identical to Windows NT Commands
        Fixed Error Copying Custom Code Blocks
        Fixed Error in commonmaplib.tlc
        Fixed Name Clashes with Run-Time Library Functions
        Improved Handling of Sample Times
        Look-Up Table (n-D) Code Generation Bug Fix
        Parenthesize Negative Numerics in Fcn Block Expressions
        Removed Unnecessary Warnings and Declarations from Generated Code
        Retain .rtw File Option Now Works in Accelerator Mode
        S-Function Target Memory Allocation Bug Fix

    Upgrading from an Earlier Release
        RTWInfo Property Changes
        S-Function Target MEX-Files Must Be Rebuilt
        TLC Compatibility Issues

    Known Software Problem
        Turn the New Wrap Lines Option Off

Real-Time Workshop 4.0 Release Notes

    Release Summary
    New Features
        Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder
        Simulink Data Object Support
        ASAP2 Support
        Enhanced Real-Time Workshop Page
        Other User Interface Enhancements
        Advanced Options Page
        Model Parameter Configuration Dialog
        Tunable Expressions Supported
        S-Function Target Enhancements
        External Mode Enhancements
        Build Directory
        Code Optimization Features
        Subsystem Based Code Generation
        Nonvirtual Subsystem Code Generation
        Filename Extensions for Generated Files
        hilite_system and Code Tracing
        Generation of Parameter Comments
        Borland 5.4 Compiler Support
        Enhanced Makefile Include Path Rules
        Target Language Compiler 4.0

    Upgrading from an Earlier Release
        Column-Major Matrix Ordering
        Including Generated Files
        Updating Release 11 Custom Targets
        hilite_system Replaces locate_system
        TLC Compatibility Issues

    Known Software and Documentation Problems
        Filename Option in Nonvirtual Subsystem Code Generation