Real-Time Workshop Release Notes    

Documentation Enhancements

Generate HTML Report Option Available for Additional Targets

In earlier releases, the Generate HTML report option was available only for the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. In the current release, the report is available for all targets (except the S-Function target and the Rapid Simulation target).

The Generate HTML report option is now located in the General code generation options category of the Real-Time Workshop page of the Simulation Parameters dialog box, as shown in the picture below.

The option is on by default. Note that an abbreviated report is generated if you do not have Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder installed.

Expression Folding API Documentation Available

The expression folding API has been documented, and is now promoted for customer use, particularly for user-written, inlined S-Functions. In addition, expanded capabilities are available that support the TLC user control variable (ucv) in %roll directives, and enable expression folding for blocks such as Selector. See Supporting Expression Folding in S-Functions in the Real-Time Workshop documentation.

Real-Time Workshop Documentation

The Real-Time Workshop User's Guide has been significantly updated and reorganized for Version 5.0. Information pertaining to data structures and subsystems has been updated and made more accessible, and new features and GUI changes have been documented. In addition, a new printed and online introductory volume exists, Getting Started with Real-Time Workshop. This document explains basic Real-Time Workshop concepts, organizes tutorial material for easier access, and cross-references more detailed explanations in the User's Guide.

Target Language Compiler Documentation

The Target Language Compiler Reference Guide has been significantly updated and reorganized for Version 5.0. A revised collection of tutorial examples provides new users with a more grounded introduction to TLC syntax. Documentation on the TLC Function Library and contents of model.rtw files has also been updated.

  TLC, model.rtw, and Library Enhancements Major Bug Fixes