Real-Time Workshop Release Notes    

TLC, model.rtw, and Library Enhancements

New Simulink Data Object Properties Mapped to model.rtw Files

Simulink data objects include several new string properties that can be exploited for customizing code generation. These properties are:

In this release the Simulink engine does not make use of these properties nor does the Target Language Compiler. The properties are included in the model.rtw file and are reserved for future use. RTWInfo.Alias defines the identifier to be used in place of the parent data object (parameter, signal, or state) in the code. The engine checks that the alias is uniquely used by only that object.

SPRINTF Built-in Function Added to TLC

A C-like sprintf formatting function has been added which returns a TLC string encoded with data from a variable number of arguments.

$assign str = SPRINTF(format,var,...) formats the data in variable var (and in any additional variable arguments) under control of the specified format string, and returns a string variable containing the values. Operates like C library sprintf(), except that output is the return value rather than contained in an argument to sprintf.

LCC Now Links Libraries in Directory sys/lcc/lib

The template makefiles have been updated to include linking against sys/lcc/lib.

The BlockInstanceData Function has been Deprecated

S-function TLC files should no longer use the BlockInstanceData method. All data used by a block should be declared using data type work vectors (DWork).

  Target and Mode Enhancements Documentation Enhancements