Real-Time Workshop Release Notes    

Upgrading from an Earlier Release

This section describes the upgrade issues involved in moving from the Real-Time Workshop 3.0 (Release 11.0) to the Real-Time Workshop 4.0.

Column-Major Matrix Ordering

The Real-Time Workshop now uses column-major ordering for two-dimensional signal and parameter data. In previous releases, the ordering was row-major.

If your hand-written code interfaces to such signals or parameters via ExportedGlobal, ImportedExtern, or ImportedExternPointer declarations, make sure to review any code that relies on row-major ordering, and make appropriate revisions.

Including Generated Files

Filename extensions for certain generated files have changed. If your application code uses #include statements to include the Real-Time Workshop generated files (such as model.prm), you may need to modify these statements. See Filename Extensions for Generated Files.

Updating Release 11 Custom Targets

If you have created custom targets for the Real-Time Workshop under Release 11, you must update your custom system target files and template makefiles to create and utilize the build directory. See matlabroot/rtw/c/grt for examples.

To update a Release 11 target:

  1. Add the following to your system target file.
  2. Add ".." to the INCLUDES rule in your template makefile. The following example is from grt_lcc.tmf.
  1. The first -I. gets files from the build directory, and the second -I.. gets files (e.g., user written S-functions) from the current working directory.

    Conceptually, think of the current directory and the build directory as the same (as it was in Release 11). The current working directory contains items like user written S-functions. The reason ".." must be added to the INCLUDES rule is that make is invoked in the build directory (i.e., the current directory was temporarily moved).

  1. Place the generated executable in your current working directory. The following example is from grt_lcc.tmf.

hilite_system Replaces locate_system

If you use the locate_system command, in MATLAB programs for tracing the Real-Time Workshop system/block identification tags, you should use hilite_system instead. See hilite_system and Code Tracing.

TLC Compatibility Issues

In bringing Target Language Compiler files from Release 11 to Release 12, the following changes may affect your TLC code base:


  Real-Time Workshop 4.0 Release Notes Known Software and Documentation Problems