Real-Time Workshop Release Notes    

Known Software and Documentation Problems

This section updates the Real-Time Workshop documentation set, reflecting known software and documentation problems.

Filename Option in Nonvirtual
Subsystem Code Generation

To set options for nonvirtual subsystem code generation, you use the subsystem's Block Parameters dialog. The operation of the Auto option of the RTW file name options menu in the Block Parameters dialog has changed since the printed version of the Real-Time Workshop User's Guide went to press.

In the online version of the Real-Time Workshop User's Guide, we have corrected the description of this option. See the Nonvirtual Subsystem Code Generation section of the online guide.

We repeat the corrected description here:

Auto: The Real-Time Workshop does not generate a separate file for the subsystem. Code generated from the subsystem is generated within the code module generated from the subsystem's parent system. If the subsystem's parent is the model itself, code generated from the subsystem is generated within model.c.

 Upgrading from an Earlier Release