Filter Design Toolbox Release Notes    

Filter Design Toolbox 2.2 Release Notes

New Features

Multiple Precision Fixed-Point Filters Support

All MATLAB Platforms Supported

Four Filter Design Functions Added

Enhanced Filter Design Functions

Five New Filter-Related Functions

New Frequency Transformation Functions Added

New Transformations Pane Added to FDATool

nlm Filter Analysis Method in FDATool

New Functions for Calculating Quantizer Noise Statistics

Enhanced Quantizer Optimization

Enable and Disable Quantizers in a Filter

Quantizer Status Functions Added

Enhanced Quantized Filter Structures

New Graphic Showing the Quantizers in a Filter

New and Enhanced Filter Demonstration Programs

Major Bug Fixes

Upgrading from an Earlier Release

Moved zerophase Function

Changes to Quantizer set Function

Obsolete Functions in Version 2.0

Known Software and Documentation Problems

Filter Design Toolbox 2.1 Release Notes

New Features

New Adaptive Filtering Functions

New FIR Filter Design Functions

New Filter Transformation Functions

Transformations Option in FDATool

New Analysis Method

New Context-Sensitive Help for Quantization

Known Software and Documentation Problems

Switching Between Design and Quantization Modes in FDATool

Help for Filter Transformations in FDATool

Filter Design Toolbox 2.0 Release Notes

New Features

New Quantization Tool for Advanced FIR and IIR Filter Design

New Objects

New Filter Design Functions

New Filter Conversion Functions

New Filter Structures

New Analysis Methods

New Functions and Enhancements

Upgrading from an Earlier Release

Obsolete Functions in Version 2.0

Known Software and Documentation Problems

Filter Design and Analysis Tool

Switching Between Design and Quantization Modes in FDATool

  Filter Design Toolbox Release Notes Filter Design Toolbox 2.2 Release Notes