Filter Design Toolbox Release Notes    

Changes to Quantizer set Function

With this release, and moving forward, you can not use property values alone to set property values when you use set. You must supply the property name and property value in the call. In your existing code, be sure that calls to set include both property names and property values. If you do not include the property name with the property value, MATLAB returns a warning similar to

indicating that you should add the property name to define the required property in the syntax. For example:

Obsolete Functions in Version 2.0

Filter Design Toolbox 2.0 makes obsolete the following functions that were part of Quantized Filter Design Toolbox.

Obsolete Function
Suggested Replacement
Use help constructor/propertyname to get help about a function. Or use the Help browser.
Use qreport to get information about quantized filters, quantized FFTs, and quantizers.
Use help constructor/propertyname to get help about a function. Or use the Help browser.

  Upgrading from an Earlier Release Known Software and Documentation Problems