Filter Design Toolbox Release Notes    

New Frequency Transformation Functions Added

The Filter Design Toolbox 2.2 includes new filter transformation functions. Every transformation maintains the overall ripple characteristics of your prototype or original filter while transforming to your target filter specification.

All of the new transformation functions return the coefficients of your target filter and the coefficients of the allpass mapping filter used to transform your prototype filter to the new filter. In the following lists, transformation functions appear grouped by

Allpass Filter Transformations

Use an allpass filter to map a prototype filter to a new frequency specification:

IIR Filter Transformations

Use the allpass filter described in the allpass filter transformations to transform a prototype IIR filter to a new frequency response specification:

Zero-Pole-Gain Filter Transformations

Use the allpass filter described in the allpass filter transformations to transform a prototype filter in zero-pole-gain format to a new frequency response specification:

You use these from the MATLAB command line or from the new Transformations panel provided in FDATool. To read about using these new transformations, refer to Digital Frequency Transformations in the online help.

  Filter Design Toolbox 2.2 Release Notes New Transformations Pane Added to FDATool