In Cooperation with IEEE
Computer Society and the PAMI TC
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Second International Conference on
Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition
Automatic face and gesture recognition has rapidly developed into a
highly active field of research with application potential in areas
such as contactless man-machine interaction, access control, automatic
search in visual databases, and very-low bit-rate compression.
Consequently, this international conference series has been created to
provide an international forum for research on image- and video-based
face recognition, facial expression recognition, and hand gesture and
body movement analysis.
Contributions are invited in analysis by synthesis techniques,
acquisition of articulated shape models, deformable models,
illumination invariant segmentation and recognition, analysis of face,
gesture and gait movements, model-based methods for shape and motion
estimation, feature identification, physics-based modelling,
contactless man-machine interfaces and interaction with virtual
worlds, very-low bit-rate encoding, face and person identification for
access control and other applications, as well as other related
Thomas S. Huang
Beckman Institute and Coordinated Science Laboratory,
University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign , U. S. A.
Alex Pentland
Perceptual Computing Section, The Media Laboratory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
, U. S. A.
Peter Stucki
Laboratory, Department of
Computer Science,
University of Zurich, SWITZERLAND.
Irfan Essa,
Perceptual Computing Section, The Media Laboratory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
U. S. A.
Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center
College of Computing,
Georgia Institute of Technology,
U. S. A.
Program Committee
- Shigeru Akamatsu, ATR/Japan,
- Josef Bigun, EPFL/Switzerland,
- Martin Bichsel U of Zurich/Switzerland,
- Andrew Blake, Oxford/UK,
- Micheal Black, Xerox/USA,
- Aaron Bobick, MIT/USA,
- Rama Chellappa, U of Maryland/USA,
- Justine Cassell, MIT/USA,
- Roberto Cipolla, Cambridge U/UK,
- Ian Craw, Aberdeen U. / UK
- Jim Crowley, Grenoble/France,
- Larry Davis, U of Maryland/USA,
- Paul Ekman, UCSF/USA,
- Shimon Edelman, Weizmann/Israel,
- Bill Freeman, MERL/USA,
- Gaile Gordon, Interval/USA,
- Yoshinori Kuno, Osaka U/Japan,
- Alice O'Toole, U of Texas Dallas/USA,
- Pietro Perona, Cal Tech/USA,
- Jonathan Phillips, ARL/USA,
- Tomaso Poggio, MIT/USA,
- Kenji Mase, ATR/Japan,
- Desai Narasimhalu, ISS/Singapore
- Jim Rehg, DEC CRL/USA,
- Mike Swain, U of Chicago/USA,
- Matthew Turk, Microsoft/USA,
- Chris Taylor, Manchester U/UK,
- Christoph van der Malsburg, USC/USA,
- Alex Waibel, CMU/USA,
- Harry Wechsler, George Mason/USA,
- John Weng, Michigan State U/USA,
- Masahiko Yachida, Osaka U/Japan.
Ms. Karen Navarro, Conference Administrator
Room E15-383, The Media Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
20 Ames Street,
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Phone: 1-617-253-0872
Fax: 1-617-253-8874
Vision and
Modeling Group
MIT Media Laboratory
International Conference on Automatic Face- and Gesture-Recognition
Last modified: Tue Dec 31 15:41:42 1996