Time | Description |
Sunday October 13,
1996 |
8:00pm - 10:00pm |
List of Posters
List of Demos
6:00pm - 7:00pm |
Registration & Welcome Reception
Monday October 14, 1996 |
7:30am - 8:30am |
8:30am - 8:40am |
Irfan Essa, Alex Pentland
8:40am - 9:40am |
Invited Speaker
David Stork / Ricoh CRC & Stanford University
Session Chair: Alex Pentland / MIT Media Lab
Title: Speechreading: An overview of image processing, feature extraction,
sensory integration and pattern recognition techniques
by David G. Stork and Marcus E. Hennecke |
9:40am - 10:00am |
Coffee/Tea/Drinks Break
10:00am- 11:20am |
Paper Session #1
Session Chair: Martin Bichsel / U of Zurich
Session Name: Facial Analysis
Manifold Caricatures: On the Psychological Consistency
of Computer Face Recognition
Nicholas Costen, Ian Craw, Takashi Kato, Graham Robertson,
Shigeru Akamatsu
ATR Human Information Processing Laboratory / JAPAN
Face Distinctiveness in Recognition Across Viewpoint:
An Analysis of the Statistical Structure of Face Spaces
Alice O'Toole, Shimon Edelman
University of Texas at Dallas / USA
A Probabilistic Framework for Perceptual Grouping of
Features for Human Face Detection
Kin Choong Yow, Roberto Cipolla
University of Cambridge / UK
Learning Novel Views to a Single Face Image
Thomas Vetter
Max-Planck-Institut fur biologische Kybernetik / GERMANY
11:20am- 12:00noon |
Invited Speaker
Thomas Huang / UIUC
Session Chair: Irfan Essa / MIT & Georgia Tech
Title: Gestural Interface to a Visual Computing Environment for
Molecular Biologists
Vladimir I. Pavlovic, Rajeev Sharma, Thomas S. Huang
12:00noon - 1:15pm |
1:15pm - 2:15pm |
Paper Session #2
Chair: Aaron Bobick / MIT Media Lab
Session Name: Tracking Articulated Objects
Cardboard People: A Parameterized Model of Articulated Image
Shanon X. Ju, Michael J. Black, Yaser Yacoob
University of Toronto / CANADA
Recognizing Articulated Objects with Integration by Parts
Davi Geiger, Tyng-Luh Liu
Courant Institute, New Your University / USA
Pfinder: Real-Time Tracking of the Human Body
Christopher Wren, Ali Azarbayejani, Trevor Darrell, Alex Pentland
MIT Media Lab., Perpetual Computing Section / USA
2:15pm - 3:15pm |
Panel Session #1
Title: Human Computer Interfaces and Computational Perception - vision, touch, speech.
Moderators: Larry Davis / U of Maryland & Irfan Essa / Georgia Tech
3:15pm - 4:40pm |
Posters and Demos
Session / Coffee Break
4:40pm - 6:00pm |
Paper Session #3
Chair: John Weng / Michigan State University
Session Name: Dynamics & Learning for Gesture Interpretation
Dynamical System Representation, Generation, and Recognition
of Basic Oscillatory Motion Gestures
Charles J. Cohen, Lynn Conway, Dan Koditschek
University of Michigan / USA
Recovering the Temporal Structure of Natural Gesture
Andrew Wilson, Aaron F. Bobick, Justine Cassell
MIT Media Lab, Perpetual Computing Section
A Proposal of Pattern Space Trajectory for Gesture
Spotting Recognition
Shigeki Nagaya, Susumu Seki, Ryuichi Oka
Tsukuba Research Center / JAPAN
Inductive Learning in Hand Pose Recognition
Francis Quek, Meide Zhao
Vision Interfaces and Systems Lab. (VISLab) / USA
7:30pm - 9:30pm |
Tuesday October 15, 1996 |
7:30am - 8:30am |
8:30am - 8:40am |
Irfan Essa
8:40am - 9:40am |
Invited Speakers
Justine Cassell/MIT Media Lab &
David McNeill/U of Chicago
Session Chair: Irfan Essa / MIT & Georgia Tech
Title: What you need to know about spontaneous gesture, and why you need to
know it
9:40am - 10:00am |
Coffee/Tea/Drinks Break
10:00am- 11:20am |
Paper Session #4
Chair: TBA
Session Name: Systems for HCI
Multi-Modal System for Locating Heads and Faces
Hans Peter Graf, Eric Cosatto, Dave Gibbon,
Michael Kocheisen, Eric Petajan
AT&T Bell Laboratories / USA
Understanding Manipulation in Video
Matthew Brand
MIT Media Lab / USA
Computer Vision for Computer Games
William T. Freeman, K. Tanaka, J. Ohta, K. Kyuma
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc. / USA
Coordination of Perceptual Processes for
Computer Mediated Communication
Joelle Coutaz, Francois Berard, James Crowley
11:20am- 12:00noon |
Invited Speaker
Alex Pentland / MIT Media Lab
Session Chair: Irfan Essa MIT & Georgia Tech
Title: Trends in Understanding and Perception of Humans.
12:00noon - 1:15pm |
1:15pm - 2:15pm |
Paper Session #5
Chair: Shimon Edelman / Weizmann Institute
Session Name: Facial Analysis and Synthesis
Example-Based Image Analysis and Synthesis for Faces
Tony Ezzat, Tomaso Poggio
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory / USA
Eigen-Points: Control-Point Location using
Principal Component Analyses
Michele Covell, Christoph Bregler
Interval Research Corporation / USA
Automatic Interpolation and Recognition of Face Images by Morphing
Martin Bichsel
University of Zurich / SWITZERLAND
2:15pm - 3:15pm |
Panel Session #2
- Title: Face Recognition: Where are we now and where are
we going?
- Moderator: Jonathon Philips / US Army Research
- Panelists:
- Rama Chellappa / U. of Maryland
- Alex Pentland / MIT
- Chris Taylor / U. of Manchester
3:15pm - 4:40pm |
Posters and Demos
Session / Coffee Break
4:40pm - 6:00pm |
Paper Session #6
Chair: Kenji Mase / ATR
Session Name: Deformable Models and Gesture Recognition
Towards 3D Hand Tracking Using a Deformable Model
Tony Heap, David Hogg
University of Leeds / UK
Deformable Model-based Face Shape and Motion Estimation
Dimitri Metaxas, Douglas DeCarlo
University of Pennsylvania / USA
Toward the use of Gesture in Traditional User Interfaces
Rick Kjeldsen, John Kender
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center / USA
Invariant Features for 3D Gesture Recognition
Lee Campbell, David A. Becker, Ali Azarbayejani,
Aaron F. Bobick, Alex Pentland
MIT Media Laboratory, Perceptual Computing Section. / USA
7:30pm - 9:30pm |
Conference Banguet
Wednesday October 16, 1996 |
7:30am - 8:30am |
8:40am - 10:00am |
Paper Session #7
Chair: Chris Taylor / Manchester U/
Session Name: Face and Gesture Classification, Tracking and Recognition
Face and Hand Gesture Recognition Using Hybrid Classifiers
Harry Wechsler, Srinivas Gutta, Jeffrey Huang, Ibrahim
F. Imam
George Mason University / USA
Robust Classification of Hand Postures Against Complex Backgrounds
Jochen Triesch, Christoph von der Malsburg
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum / GERMANY
Tracking and Learning Graphs and Pose on Image Sequences of Faces
Thomas Maurer, Christoph von der Malsburg
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum / GERMANY
Comparison of Visible and Infra-Red Imagery for Face Recognition
Joseph Wilder, P. Jonathon Phillips, Cunhong Jiang, Stephen
Rutgers University / USA
10:00am - 10:15am |
Coffee/Tea/Drinks Break
10:15am- 11:15noon |
Panel Session # 3
Moderator: Peter Stucki / U of Zurich
Title: Better Frameworks for Face and
Gesture Recognition
Participants: TBA
11:15am - 12:15am |
Paper Session #8
Chair: Harry Wechsler, George Mason U
Session Name: Face Detection & Recognition
Discriminant Analysis and Eigenspace Partition Tree for
Face and Object Recognition from Views
John J. Weng, Daniel L. Swets
Michigan State University/ USA
Information Theoretic View-Based and Modular Face Detection
Michael S. Lew
Leiden University / NETHERLANDS
Locating Faces Using Statistical Feature Detectors
T.F. Cootes, C.J. Taylor
University of Manchester / UK
12:20noon - 1:30pm |
Closing & Lunch
Poster # |
Paper Title |
Organization of First/Contact Author Author(s) |
POSTER Session #1: Monday
October 15, 1996 3:15pm - 4:40pm |
P-01 |
Edge and Keypoint Detection in Facial Regions
GSF-Institut fur Medizinische Informatik und Systemforschung / GERMANY
R. Herpers, M. Michaelis, K.H. Lichtenauer, G. Sommer
P-02 |
Visual Filters for Face Recognition
George Mason University / USA
Barnabas Takacs, Harry Wechsler
P-03 |
Toward Unconstrained Face Recognition from Image Sequences
University of Sussex at Brighton / UK
A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton
P-04 |
Facial Feature Location in Image Sequences Using Neural Networks
Delft University of Technology / NETHERLANDS
Marcel Reinders, R.W.C. Koch, J.J. Gerbrands
P-05 |
Segmentation and Tracking of Faces in Color Images
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki / GREECE
Karin Sobottka, Ioannis Pitas
P-06 |
Computing 3-D Head Orientation from a Monocular Image Sequence
University of Maryland at College Park / USA
Thanarat Horprasert, Yaser Yacoob, Larry S. Davis
P-07 |
Detection of Human Faces Using Decision Trees
George Mason University / USA
Harry Wechslerm, Srinivas Gutta, Jeffrey Huang
P-08 |
Happy Patrons Make Better Tippers: Creating a
Robot Waiter Using Perseus and the Animate Agent Architecture
University of Chicago / USA
David Franklin, Roger E. Kahn, Michael J. Swain, R. James Firby
P-09 |
Hand Sign Recognition from Intensity Image Sequences
with Complex Backgrounds
Michigan State University / USA
John J. Weng, Yuntao Cui
P-10 |
An Investigation into Face Pose Distributions
Queen Mary and Westfield College London / UK
Shaogang Gong, Stephen McKenna, John J. Collins
P-11 |
Tracking Faces
Queen Mary and Westfield College, London / UK
Stephen McKenna, Shaogang Gong
P-12 |
Adaptive Automatic Facial Feature Segmentation
University of London / UK
Hasan Demirel, Thomas J. Clarke, Peter Y.K. Cheung
P-13 |
LISTEN: A System for Locating and Tracking Individual Speakers
Groupe Techniques Neuromimetiques pour les Telecommunications / FRANCE
Michel Collobert, R. Feraud, G. Le Tourneur, O. Bernier,
J.E. Viallet, Y. Mahieux, D. Collobert
P-14 |
Recognition of Social Dancing from Auditory and Visual Information
Osaka University / JAPAN
Koh Kakusho, Noboru Babaguchi, Tadahiro Kitahashi
P-15 |
Detection of Human Faces under Scale, Orientation and Viewpoint
University of Cambridge / UK
Kin Choong Yow, Roberto Cipolla
POSTER Session #2: Tuesday October 16, 1996 3:15pm
- 4:40pm |
P-16 |
From 2D Images to 3D Face Geometry
INRIA Rocquencourt / FRANCE
Richard Lengagne, Jean-Philippe Tarel, Olivier Monga
P-17 |
Maximum Likelihood Face Detection
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign / USA
Antonio J. Colmenarez, Thomas S. Huang
P-18 |
Finding Skin In Color Images
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center / USA
Rick Kjeldsen, John Kender
P-19 |
Spotting Recognition of Human Gestures from Time-Varying Images
Tsukuba Research Center / JAPAN
Takuichi Nishimura, Ryuichi Oka
P-20 |
Real-Time Hand -Arm Movement Analysis Using a Single Video Camera
Aachen University of Technology / GERMANY
Hermann Hienz, Kirsti Grobel, Georg Offner
P-21 |
Statistical Models of Face Images: Recent Advances
University of Manchester / UK
G.J. Edwards, A. Lanitis, C.J. Taylor, T.F. Cootes
P-22 |
Face Detection Using Local Maxima
University of Leiden / NETHERLANDS
Roel Hoogenboom, Michael Lew
P-23 |
Real-Time Facial Motion Analysis for Virtual Teleconferencing
BT Laboratories / UK
David Machin
P-24 |
Face and Facial Feature Extraction from Color Image
Osaka University / JAPAN
Haiyuan Wu, Taro Yokoyama, Dadet Pramadihanto, Masahiko Yachida
P-25 |
Real-Time Visual Recognition of Facial Gestures
for Human Computer Interaction
University of Wollongong / AUSTRALIA
Alexander Zelinsky, Jochen Heinzmann
P-26 |
Robust Face Feature Analysis for Automatic Speechreading
& Character Animation
Bell Laboratories / USA
Eric Petajan, Hans Peter Graf
P-27 |
Automatic Spoken Affect Analysis and Classification
MIT Media Laboratory, Perceptual Computing Section / USA
Deb Roy, Alex Pentland
P-28 |
Visual Interaction With Lifelike Characters
Vision Technology Group, Microsoft Corporation / USA
Matthew Turk
P-29 |
Pose Initialization via Non-Parametric Estimation Techniques
MIT Department of Electrical Engineering / USA
Sourabh Niyogi, William T. Freeman
P-30 |
Toward Robust Skin Identification in Video Images
University of Delaware/A.I. duPont Institute / USA
David Saxe, Richard Foulds