Most Structure from Motion (linear and non-linear) techniques
begin by assuming a perspective projection model as shown in
Figure 3 which can be traced back to
Durer and Renaissance painters. Alternative projection models include
paraperspective or orthographic cases. Here, three 3D feature points
are projecting onto an image plane ()
with perspective rays
originating at the center of projection (COP), which would lie
within the physical camera. The origin of the coordinate system is
traditionally taken to be the COP and the focal length, f is
the distance from the COP to the image plane along the principal
axis (or optical axis). The optical axis is traditionally
aligned with the
axis. The projection of the COP onto the
image plane along the optical axis is called the principal
Applying Thales theorem, we obtain the perspective projection formula as in Equation 1. Typically, the focal length f is set to 1 to simplify the expression since, in this model, f only varies the scaling of the image.
This perspective projection is often referred to as a pinhole
camera. Although the focal length is the most emphasized internal
camera geometry parameter, there exist more complex full
parameterizations. In fact, real cameras have many other internal
geometry variables. A more complete camera parameterization is shown in
Equation 2 [41]. Here,
the K matrix includes sx and sy, the scalings of the image
plane along the
axes. Also note
skew between the
axes and (u0,v0) the
coordinates of the principal point in the image plane. In addition to
the linear effects summarized in the K matrix, there are other
nonlinear and second order effects such as lens distortion. Typically,
though, these second-order effects and even variables in K can be
approximated and compensated for via standard corrective warping
techniques [9].