Each quadratic bound has a location parameter (a centroid), a scale parameter wim (narrowness), and a peak value at kim. The sum of quadratic bounds makes contact with the Qfunction at the old values of the model where the gate mean was originally and the covariance is . To facilitate the derivation, one may assume that the previous mean was zero and the covariance was identity if the data is appropriately whitened with respect to a given gate.
The parameters of each quadratic bound are solved by ensuring that it contacts the corresponding Qim function at and they have equal derivatives at contact (i.e. tangential contact). Solving these constraints yields quadratic parameters for each gate m and data point i in Equation 12 (kim is omitted for brevity).
The tightest quadratic bound occurs when wim is minimal (without violating the inequality). The expression for wim reduces to finding the minimal value, wim*, as in Equation 13 (here ). The f function is computed numerically only once and stored as a lookup table (see Figure 2(a)). We thus immediately compute the optimal wim* and the rest of the quadratic bound's parameters obtaining bounds as in Figure 2(b) where a Qim is lower bounded.
The gate means are solved by maximizing the sum of the parabolas which bound Q. The update is . This mean is subsequently unwhitened to undo earlier data transformations.