External Interfaces/API    

Specify the type of parity checking


You can configure Parity to be none, odd, even, mark, or space. If Parity is none, parity checking is not performed and the parity bit is not transmitted. If Parity is odd, the number of mark bits (1's) in the data is counted, and the parity bit is asserted or unasserted to obtain an odd number of mark bits. If Parity is even, the number of mark bits in the data is counted, and the parity bit is asserted or unasserted to obtain an even number of mark bits. If Parity is mark, the parity bit is asserted. If Parity is space, the parity bit is unasserted.

Parity checking can detect errors of one bit only. An error in two bits might cause the data to have a seemingly valid parity, when in fact it is incorrect. Refer to The Parity Bit for more information about parity checking.

In addition to the parity bit, the serial data format consists of a start bit, between five and eight data bits, and one or two stop bits. You specify the number of data bits with the DataBits property, and the number of stop bits with the StopBits property.


Read only
Data type


No parity checking
Odd parity checking
Even parity checking
Mark parity checking
Space parity checking

See Also


DataBits, StopBits

  OutputEmptyFcn PinStatus