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Compiling and Linking MAT-File Programs

This section describes the steps required to compile and link MAT-file programs on UNIX and Windows systems. It begins by looking at a special consideration for compilers that do not mask floating-point exceptions. Topics covered are:

Masking Floating Point Exceptions

Certain mathematical operations can result in nonfinite values. For example, division by zero results in the nonfinite IEEE value, inf. A floating-point exception occurs when such an operation is performed. Because MATLAB uses an IEEE model that supports nonfinite values such as inf and NaN, MATLAB disables, or masks, floating-point exceptions.

Some compilers do not mask floating-point exceptions by default. This causes MAT-file applications built with such compilers to terminate when a floating-point exception occurs. Consequently, you need to take special precautions when using these compilers to mask floating-point exceptions so that your MAT-file application will perform properly.

The only compiler and platform on which you need to mask floating-point exceptions is the Borland C++ compiler on Windows.

Borland C++ Compiler on Windows

  Reading a MAT-File in Fortran Compiling and Linking on UNIX