External Interfaces/API    

Memory Management

Memory management within MEX-files is not unlike memory management for regular C or Fortran applications. However, there are special considerations because the MEX-file must exist within the context of a larger application, i.e., MATLAB itself.

Automatic Cleanup of Temporary Arrays

When a MEX-file returns to MATLAB, it gives to MATLAB the results of its computations in the form of the left-hand side arguments - the mxArrays contained within the plhs[] list. Any mxArrays created by the MEX-file that are not in this list are automatically destroyed. In addition, any memory allocated with mxCalloc, mxMalloc, or mxRealloc during the MEX-file's execution is automatically freed.

In general, we recommend that MEX-files destroy their own temporary arrays and free their own dynamically allocated memory. It is more efficient for the MEX-file to perform this cleanup than to rely on the automatic mechanism. However, there are several circumstances in which the MEX-file will not reach its normal return statement. The normal return will not be reached if:

A careful MEX-file programmer can ensure safe cleanup of all temporary arrays and memory before returning in the first two cases, but not in the last two cases. In the last two cases, the automatic cleanup mechanism is necessary to prevent memory leaks.

Persistent Arrays

You can exempt an array, or a piece of memory, from the MATLAB automatic cleanup by calling mexMakeArrayPersistent or mexMakeMemoryPersistent. However, if a MEX-file creates such persistent objects, there is a danger that a memory leak could occur if the MEX-file is cleared before the persistent object is properly destroyed. In order to prevent this from happening, a MEX-file that creates persistent objects should register a function, using mexAtExit, which will dispose of the objects. (You can use a mexAtExit function to dispose of other resources as well; for example, you can use mexAtExit to close an open file.)

For example, here is a simple MEX-file that creates a persistent array and properly disposes of it.

Hybrid Arrays

Functions such as mxSetPr, mxSetData, and mxSetCell allow the direct placement of memory pieces into an mxArray. mxDestroyArray will destroy these pieces along with the entire array. Because of this, it is possible to create an array that cannot be destroyed, i.e., an array on which it is not safe to call mxDestroyArray. Such an array is called a hybrid array, because it contains both destroyable and nondestroyable components.

For example, it is not legal to call mxFree (or the ANSI free() function, for that matter) on automatic variables. Therefore, in the following code fragment, pArray is a hybrid array.

Another example of a hybrid array is a cell array or structure, one of whose children is a read-only array (an array with the const qualifier, such as one of the inputs to the MEX-file). The array cannot be destroyed because the input to the MEX-file would also be destroyed.

Because hybrid arrays cannot be destroyed, they cannot be cleaned up by the automatic mechanism outlined in Automatic Cleanup of Temporary Arrays. As described in that section, the automatic cleanup mechanism is the only way to destroy temporary arrays in case of a user interrupt. Therefore, temporary hybrid arrays are illegal and may cause your MEX-file to crash.

Although persistent hybrid arrays are viable, we recommend avoiding their use wherever possible.

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