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Tips for Using Search

Want Fewer Results.   If you see too many results for the search to be useful, try the following.

Try This
Too many products included in results
1. Set the Product filter to Selected.

2. Click Select to specify the products whose documentation you want to search.
For more information, see Using the Product Filter.
Search word is just mentioned in the results
Try the Index tab to see more important entries, or
Change the Search type to
  • Document Titles--Find section titles that include the search term.
  • Function Name--Go to the reference page for a function, block, or property.
Too many irrelevant results
Type more than one word in the Search for field.
Use Boolean operators (in all capitals), for example, printing AND figures NOT exporting.
Page is not relevant
Look at the Section, the second column in the search results list. If you cannot see it, make the pane wider.
It tells you which section the resulting page is in, providing context for the result.

Want More Results.   If you do not get many results, try the following.

Try This
No results for the product
If the Product Filter is set to Selected, be sure the product of interest is selected. Click Select to specify the products.
For more information, see Using the Product Filter.
No results but you know the word is there
Try variations of the search words with an OR between the words.
For example, search for preference OR preferences to find all pages that contain either the word preference or the word preferences.

Redoing a Search.   If you run a search that is not what you want, you can stop it before it completes. Just enter the new search terms in the Search for field, make changes to the product filter and search type, and press Go. This stops the existing search and runs a search for the new terms.

For More Information.   See also

  More About Search Running Demonstrations