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Changing the Font Characteristics

You can change the font characteristics for the information in any cell. Specifically, you can specify the font size, style, color, and family.

Right-click on the information in the cell.
The information in the cell is selected and the pop-up menu for changing font characteristics appears.

If this pop-up menu does not appear, it is because you were in edit mode. To get the font pop-up menu, click somewhere outside of the edit box surrounding the information and then right-click.
Select an item from the pop-up menu. Choose Properties if you want to change the font family or if you want to change multiple characteristics at once.
Note that you can also select String from the pop-up menu, which allows you to edit the text string.
Select the new font characteristic(s) for that cell. For example, for Font Size, select the new size from its pop-up menu.
Note that changing the font characteristics for the %<blockdiagram> entry is not relevant and does nothing.

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