
Changing a Figure's Settings

The table below shows parameters that you can set before submitting your figure to the printer.

Column 1 of the table lists all parameters that you can change.

Column 2 shows the default setting that MATLAB uses.

Column 3 shows which dialog box to use to set that parameter. If you can make this setting on only one platform, this is noted in parentheses: (W) for Windows, and (U) for UNIX.

Some dialog boxes have tabs at the top to enable you to select a certain category. These categories are denoted in the table below using the format <dialogbox>/<tabname>. For example, "Page Setup/Size ..." in this column means to use the Page Setup dialog box, selecting the Size and Position tab.

Column 4 shows how to set the parameter using the MATLAB print or set function. When using print, the table shows the appropriate command option (for example, print -loose). When using set, it shows the property name to set along with the type of object (for example, (Line) for line objects).

Dialog Box
PRINT Command
or SET Property

Select figure
last active window
print -fhandle
Select printer
system default
print -pprinter
Figure size
8-by-6 inches
Page Setup/Size ...
PaperSize (Figure)
PaperUnits (Figure)
Position on page
0.25 in. from left,
2.5 in. from bottom
Page Setup/Size ...
PaperPosition (Figure)
PaperUnits (Figure)
Position mode
Page Setup/Size ...
PaperPositionMode (Figure)
Paper type
Page Setup/Paper
PaperType (Figure)
Paper orientation
Page Setup/Paper
PaperOrientation (Figure)
selected by MATLAB
Page Setup/Axes ...
print -zbuffer | -painters | -opengl
Renderer mode
Page Setup/Axes ...
RendererMode (Figure)
depends on driver or graphics format
Print Properties (W)
Printing Options (U)
print -rresolution
Axes tick marks
Page Setup/Axes ...

XTickMode, etc. (Axes)

Background color
force to white
Page Setup/Axes ...
Color (Figure)
InvertHardCopy (Figure)
Font size
as in the figure
Fig. Copy Template
FontSize (Text)
Bold font
regular font
Fig. Copy Template
FontWeight (Text)
Line width
as in the figure
Fig. Copy Template
LineWidth (Line)
Line style
black or white
Fig. Copy Template
LineStyle (Line)
Line and text color
black and white
Page Setup/Lines ...
Color (Line, Text)
CMYK color
RGB color
Printing Options (U)
print -cmyk
UI controls
Page Setup/Axes ...
print -noui
Bounding box
Printing Options (U)
print -loose
Copy background
Copy Options (W)
see "Background color"
Copy size
same as screen size
Copy Options (W)
see "Figure Size"

  Exporting a Figure to the Clipboard Selecting the Figure