External Interfaces/API Reference    

Create an unpopulated N-dimensional structure mxArray

Fortran Syntax


   Number of dimensions. If you set ndim to be less than 2, mxCreateStructArray creates a two-dimensional mxArray.

   The dimensions array. Each element in the dimensions array contains the size of the array in that dimension. For example, setting dims[1] to 5 and dims[2] to 7 establishes a 5-by-7 mxArray. Typically, the dims array should have ndim elements.

   The desired number of fields in each element.

   The desired list of field names.


A pointer to the created structure mxArray if successful, and zero otherwise. The most likely cause of failure is insufficient heap space to hold the returned mxArray.


Call mxCreateStructArray to create an unpopulated structure mxArray. Each element of a structure mxArray contains the same number of fields (specified in nfields). Each field has a name; the list of names is specified in fieldnames.

Each field holds one mxArray pointer. mxCreateStructArray initializes each field to zero. Call mxSetField or mxSetFieldByNumber to place a non-zero mxArray pointer in a field.

When you finish using the returned structure mxArray, call mxDestroyArray to reclaim its space.

See Also

mxDestroyArray, mxCreateStructMatrix, mxIsStruct, mxAddField, mxSetField, mxGetField, mxRemoveField

  mxCreateString mxCreateStructMatrix