External Interfaces/API Reference    

Remove a field from a structure array

Fortran Syntax


   Pointer to a structure mxArray.

   The number of the field you want to remove. For instance, to remove the first field, set fieldnumber to 1; to remove the second field, set fieldnumber to 2; and so on.


Call mxRemoveField to remove a field from a structure array. If the field does not exist, nothing happens. This function does not destroy the field values. Use mxDestroyArray to destroy the actual field values.

Consider a MATLAB structure initialized to

The fieldnumber 1 represents the field name name; fieldnumber 2 represents field name billing; fieldnumber 3 represents field name test.

See Also

mxAddField, mxDestroyArray, mxGetFieldByNumber

  mxRealloc mxSetCell