External Interfaces/API Reference    

COM Functions

Create a COM control in a figure window
Create a COM automation server
addproperty (COM)
Add custom property to COM object
delete (COM)
Delete a COM control or server
deleteproperty (COM)
Remove custom property from COM object
eventlisteners (COM)
Return a list of events attached to listeners
events (COM)
Return a list of events that the control can trigger
Return property names of a COM object
get (COM)
Get property value from an object or interface
Display graphical interface to list and modify property values
invoke (COM)
Invoke a method on an object or interface, or display methods
isevent (COM)
Determine if an item is an event of a COM control
ismethod (COM)
Determine if an item is a method of a COM object
isprop (COM)
Determine if an item is a property of a COM object
load (COM)
Initialize a COM control object from a file
List all methods for the control or server
Display graphical interface to list method information
move (COM)
Resize a COM control in the parent window
propedit (COM)
Request the control to display its built-in property page
registerevent (COM)
Register an event handler with a control's event
release (COM)
Release an interface
save (COM)
Serialize a COM control object to a file
send (COM)
Obsolete -- duplicate of events
set (COM)
Set an object or interface property to a specific value
unregisterallevents (COM)
Unregister all events for a control
unregisterevent (COM)
Unregister an event handler with a control's event

  usejava actxcontrol