External Interfaces/API Reference    

Display graphical user interface to list and modify property values



inspect creates a separate Property Inspector window to enable the display and modification of the properties of any object you select in the figure window or Layout Editor.

inspect(h) creates a Property Inspector window for the graphics, Java, or COM object attached to handle, h.

To change the value of any property, click on the property name shown at the left side of the window, and then enter the new value in the field at the right.


Create a COM Excel server and open a Property Inspector window with inspect:

Scroll down until you see the DefaultFilePath property. Click on the property name shown at the left. Then replace the text at the right with C:\ExcelWork.

Check this field in the MATLAB command window and confirm that it has changed:

See Also

get, set, isprop, guide, addproperty, deleteproperty

  get (COM) invoke (COM)