xPC Target 2.0 Release Notes

    New Features
        xPC Target API
        Enhanced Data Logging and Tracing
        New Host PC GUI
        Additional I/O Support
        Additional Async Events Support
        Fortran Support
        Polling Mode
        RS232 Binary Drivers
        From/To xPC Target Blocks
        Data Logging/Scope Data Upload Is Faster
        Scope Data is Uploadable When State Is Interrupted
        Support For I82559ER-based Ethernet Cards
        Scope Data/Data Logging Buffers Accessible Through WWW Interface
        Scope ID Autoincrement

    Major Bug Fixes
    Known Software and Documentation Problems

xPC Target 1.2 Release Notes

    New Features
        C API
        UDP Driver Support
        Asynchronous Event (Interrupt) Support
        CAN FIFO Support
        100 Mbit/Second Ethernet Support
        Fixed-Point Kernel Support
        Increased Data Upload Speed
        I/O Device Driver Support

    Known Software and Documentation Problems
        Uploading Data with External Mode
        Target Command Line Interface
        Memory-Mapped Devices
        Selecting a Working Directory Inside the MATLAB Root Directory

xPC Target 1.1 Release Notes

    Introduction to xPC Target and xPC Target Embedded Option
        xPC Target
        xPC Target Embedded Option

    New Features
        Web Browser Interface
        Target PC Command Line Interface
        MATLAB Command Line Interface
        Signal Monitoring
        I/O Device Driver Support

    Known Software and Documentation Problems
        Uploading Data with External Mode
        Target Command Line Interface
        Memory-Mapped Devices