xPC Target Release Notes    

Known Software and Documentation Problems

This section updates the xPC Target 1.1 documentation set, reflecting known xPC Target 1.1 software and documentation problems.

Uploading Data with External Mode

xPC Target does not support uploading data to normal Simulink scope blocks when using Simulink external mode. Instead, use xPC Target scope blocks or the xPC Target graphical user interface (GUI).

Target Command Line Interface

Visualizing or changing parameter values is limited to scalar parameters.

Memory-Mapped Devices

Some supported boards in the xPC Target I/O library are memory-mapped devices. These memory-mapped boards are accessed in the address space between 640K and 1M in the lower memory area. xPC Target reserves a 112 kB memory space for memory mapped devices in the address range

Some drivers for memory-mapped devices allow you to select an address range supported by the device, but not supported by xPC Target. For example, the CAN drivers for Softing, allow you to select memory ranges above DBFFF. Select a memory range supported by both the device and xPC Target.

 New Features