Simulink Release Notes    

Block Library

This section describes enhancements to the Simulink block libraries.

Unified Pulse Generator

This version merges the Discrete Pulse Generator block into the Pulse Generator block. The combined block has two modes: time-based and sample-based (discrete). Time-based mode varies the step size when a variable step solver is being used to ensure that simulation steps occur at pulse on/off transitions. When a fixed step solver is used, the time-based mode computes a fixed step size that ensures that a simulation step occurs at every pulse transition. The Pulse Generator block also outputs a pulse of any real data type in sample-based as well as time-based mode.

Control Flow Blocks

Simulink 4.1 adds an If block and Switch Case block that can drive conditionally executed subsystems that contain instances of the new Action Port block. Action subsystems are similar to enabled subsystems, except that all blocks must run at the same rate as the If or Switch Case block.

This version also adds a For Iterator block and a While Iterator block. When placed in a subsystem, these blocks cause all of the blocks in the system to run multiple cycles during a time step. The block cycle in a For Iterator subsystem runs a specified number of times. The block cycle in a While Iterator subsystem runs until a specified condition is false. A user can limit execution of a While Iterator subsystem to a specified number of iterations to avoid infinite loops.

The new Assignment block allows a model to assign values to specified elements of a signal.

Bus Creator

Simulink 4.1 adds a Bus Creator block that combines the output of multiple blocks into a single signal bus. A model can use the existing Signal Selector block to extract signals from the bus. The block's dialog box allows you to assign names to signals on the bus or allow the signals to inherit their names from their sources. When you double-click on a signal name in the block dialog, the source block is highlighted. There is no execution overhead in the use of bus creator/bus selector blocks.

Sine Wave Block Enhancements

The Sine Wave block now supports a bias factor that eliminates the need to sum with a Constant block. The Sine Wave block also has a new computational mode. This mode (called sample-based) eliminates the dependence on absolute time.

Enhanced Flip-Flop Blocks

Simulink Extras (simulink_extras.mdl) contains a set flip-flop blocks. These blocks now use the new triggered subsystem latching semantics. In addition, the S-R Flip-Flop block now models a physical NOR gate (i.e., S=1, R=1 => Q=0, Q!=0, the undefined state).

Additional Data Type Support

The Discrete-Time Integrator and Rounding Function blocks now handle single as well as double values. The Transport Delay, Unit Delay, Variable Transport Delay, Memory, Merge, and Outport blocks can specify nonzero initial conditions when operating on fixed-point signals.

Simulink Block Library Reorganization

The Simulink Block Library contains a new Subsystems sublibrary. The new library contains most of the new control flow blocks as well as subsystem and subsystem-related blocks that used to reside in the Signals & Systems library. The subsystems in the new library each contain the minimum set of blocks needed to create a functioning subsystem, e.g., an input port and an output port.

Scope Enhancements

The Scope block includes the following enhancements:

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