Simulink Release Notes    

Simulink Debugger

This section describes enhancements to the Simulink debugger.

Enhancement to Sorted List Display

The Simulink debugger (sldebug) sorted list command, slist, now displays the names of the S-functions residing inside S-function blocks.

Improved Messages in Accelerated Mode

The trace, break, zcbreak, nanbreak, and minor commands now indicate that they are disabled when in accelerator mode and you need to switch to normal mode to activate them. The spacing of several messages has been fixed so the text aligns correctly.

Breakpoints on a Function-Call Subsystem

You can now put a break point on a function-call subsystem. Simulink breaks when the subsystem is executed. In Release 12, entering the quit command while at a breakpoint within a function-call subsystem wouldn't always quit the debugger. Now the quit command ends the debugging session once the initiating (calling) Stateflow chart or S-function finishes executing its time step.

Displaying and Probing Virtual Blocks

The display and probe commands now work for virtual blocks.

Stepping Stateflow Charts

You can now step execution of a model into a Stateflow chart.

  Modeling Enhancements Block Library