Instrument Control Toolbox 1.2 Release Notes

    New Features
        New Objects for Networked Instruments
        Configure Properties with the Property Inspector
        Access Objects Using the Workspace Browser
        Rohde & Schwarz Support

    Major Bug Fixes
        Memory Leaks
        Serial Port Issues

    Vendor Driver Requirements and Limitations
        Incorrect Vendor Driver Version Returned By instrhwinfo

    Upgrading from an Earlier Release
        delete Function
        Measurement Computing GPIB Boards

    Known Software and Documentation Problems
        Serial Port Conflict
        Incorrect Vendor Driver Version Returned By instrhwinfo

Instrument Control Toolbox 1.1 Release Notes

    New Features
        VXI Block and FIFO Read Operations
        Freeing the Serial Port on Windows Platforms
        Data Parsing
        binblock Data Transfer
        Tektronix VISA Support
        Enhancements to Existing Functions and Properties

    Vendor Driver Requirements and Limitations
        Tektronix VISA Limitations

    Upgrading from an Earlier Release
        Events, Callbacks, and Function Handles

Instrument Control Toolbox 1.0 Release Notes

    Introduction to the Instrument Control Toolbox
        Supported Platforms
        Object-Based Design
        Reading and Writing Data
        Events and Actions
        Data Recording
        Graphical Tools

    Vendor Driver Requirements and Limitations
        Driver Requirements
        GPIB Driver Limitations
        VISA Driver Limitations

    Known Software Problems
        Pin Status Event
        Available Serial Ports
        Accessing Serial Ports on Solaris