Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Release Notes    

Chapter 1
Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder 3.0 Release Notes

New Features

This section summarizes the new features and enhancements introduced in the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder 3.0.

If you are upgrading from a release earlier than Release 12.1, then you should see the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder 2.0 Release Summary. For an introduction to the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder and for information about demos for the product, see the Product Overview section of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder User's Guide.

New User's Guide

The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder is now documented in a separate manual, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder User's Guide. The new manual includes and updates the information about the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder that was formerly included in the Real-Time Workshop documentation.

The new manual also includes an appendix on generating ASAP2 files.

Auto-generated Main Program

The new Generate an example main program option lets you generate a fully commented, model-specific example main program module, ert_main.c. The code requires minimal modification for deployment in your environment. You can generate the example main program as either:

By default, Generate an example main program is on. Note that once you have generated and customized the main program, you should take care to avoid overwriting your customized version.

See the "Data Structures and Program Execution" section of the section of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder User's Guide for further information about the operation of the main program module.

The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder continues to provide a static (non-generated) version of ert_main.c as a template example for developing embedded applications. To use the static version of ert_main.c (or continue using a customized version):

Modifying the Static Main Program Module

This section describes modifications you may need to make to use the static version of ert_main.c (or continue using a customized version).

Code Generation Options

This section describes new Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder code generation options. These options are available via the ERT code generation options menus of the Real-Time Workshop page of the Simulation Parameters dialog box.

External Mode

Select this option to generate external mode communications support code in the target program. See also External Mode Support.

Generate an Example Main Program

This option lets you generate a model-specific example main program module. See Auto-generated Main Program.

Generate Reusable Code

When this option is selected, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates reusable, reentrant code for the model. See Reusable Code Generation.

Parameter Structure

See Hierarchical Parameter Structures

Suppress Error Status in Real-Time Model Data Structure

If you do not need to log or monitor error status in your application, select this option.

By default, the real-time model data structure (rtM) includes an error status field (data type string). This field lets you log and monitor error messages via macros provided for this purpose (see model.h). The error status field is initialized to NULL. If Suppress error status in real-time model data structure is selected, the error status field is not included in rtM. Selecting this option may also cause the real-time model data structure to disappear completely from the generated code.

When generating code for multiple models that will be integrated together, make sure that the Suppress error status in real-time model data structure option is set the same for all of the models. Otherwise, the integrated application may exhibit unexpected behavior. For example, if the option is selected in one model but not in another, the error status may or may not be registered by the integrated application.

Do not select Suppress error status in real-time model data structure if the MAT-file logging option is also selected. The two options are incompatible.

Target Floating Point Math Environment

The Target Floating Point Math Environment popup menu provides two options. If you select the ANSI_C option (the default), the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates calls to the ANSI C (ANSI X3.159-1989) math library for floating point functions. If you select the ISO_C option, Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates calls to the ISO C (ISO/IEC 9899:1999) math library wherever possible.

If your target compiler supports the ISO C (ISO/IEC 9899:1999) math library, we recommend selecting the ISO_C option and setting your compiler's ISO C option. This will generate calls to the ISO C functions wherever possible (for example, sqrtf() instead of sqrt() for single precision data) and ensure that you obtain the best performance your target compiler offers.

If your target compiler does not support ISO C math library functions, use the ANSI_C option.

ECRobot Target Example

The ECRobot (Embedded Coder Robot) target is a simple example of a custom target based on the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. The ECRobot target was originally developed as a training example for use in classes offered to Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder users. In this release, the ECRobot target is available to all Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder users as an example and demonstration.

The ECRobot target files are automatically installed with the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. Source code files, control files, demonstration models, and documentation for the target are installed in the directory

Note that the ECRobot target uses a Windows-based cross-compiler and other utilities; it is therefore hosted on Windows 2000 or Windows XP. A UNIX configuration is not planned.

Programs generated by the ECRobot target run on the Command System (RCXTM) module of the LEGO® MINDSTORMSTM Robotics Invention System2.0TM. This platform affords an inexpensive and simple way to study concepts and techniques essential to developing a custom embedded target, and to develop, run and observe generated programs.

The files included with the target illustrate typical approaches to problems encountered in custom target development, including:

External Mode Support

The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder now includes full support for all features of Simulink external mode. External mode lets you use your Simulink block diagram as a front end for a target program that runs on external hardware or in a separate process on your host computer. External mode allows you to tune parameters and view or log signals as the target program executes.

The External mode option is available via the ERT code generation options (2) category of the Real-Time Workshop page of the Simulation Parameters dialog box.

See the External Mode section of the Real-Time Workshop User's Guide for further information.

GetSet Custom Storage Class for Data Store Memory

A new custom storage class, GetSet, has been added to provide acessor methods for memory associated with Data Store Memory blocks. This custom storage class is used in conjunction with Data Store Memory blocks. The purpose of the GetSet class is to generate code that reads (gets) and writes (sets) data via functions.

See the "Custom Storage Classes" section of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder User's Guide for detailed documentation of the GetSet class.

Hierarchical Parameter Structures

The Parameter structure menu lets you control how parameter data is generated for reusable subsystems. (If you are not familiar with reusable subsystem code generation, see "Nonvirtual Subsystem Code Generation Options" in the Real-Time Workshop User's Guide for further information.)

The Parameter structure menu is available via the ERT code generation options (3) menu item of the Real-Time Workshop page of the Simulation Parameters dialog box.

The Parameter structure menu is enabled when the Inline parameters option is on. The menu lets you select the following options:

Real-Time Model Structure Replaces
Real-Time Object and Logging Object

The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder now encapsulates information about the root model in the real-time model data structure. We refer to the real-time model data structure as rtM.

rtM replaces the real-time object (RT_OBJ) and the logging object, which were used in previous releases. If your code accesses these objects through the macros provided with previous releases, it will continue to work.

See the Data Structures and Code Modules section of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder User's Guide for further information.

Reusable Code Generation

The Generate reusable code option lets you generate reusable, reentrant code from a model or subsystem. When this option is selected, data structures such as block states, parameters, external outputs, etc. are passed in (by reference) as arguments to model_step and other generated model functions. These data structures are also exported via model.h.

In some cases, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder may generate code that will compile but is not reentrant (although it may still be acceptable for your application). For example, if a signal or parameter has a storage class other than Auto, the generated code is not reentrant, because the code must access the global data directly. To handle such cases, the Reusable code error diagnostic menu is enabled when Generate reusable code is selected. This menu offers a choice of three severity levels for diagnostics to be displayed in such cases:

In some cases, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder is unable to generate valid and compilable code. For example, if the model contains any of the following, the code generated would be invalid.

In these cases, the build will terminate after reporting the problem.

When Generate reusable code option is not selected (the default), model data structures are statically allocated and accessed directly in the model code. Therefore the model code is neither reusable nor reentrant.

Revised Packaging of Generated Code Files

The packaging of generated code into.c and.h files has changed. The following table summarizes the structure of source code generated by the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. All code modules described are written to the build directory.

Table 1-1: Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder File Packaging  
Contains entry points for all code implementing the model algorithm (model_step, model_initialize, model_terminate, model_SetEventsForThisBaseStep).
Contains local defines and local data that are required by the model and subsystems. This file is included by the generated source files in the model. You do not need to include model_private.h when interfacing hand-written code to a model.
Defines model data structures and a public interface to the model entry points and data structures. Also provides an interface to the real-time model data structure (model_rtM) via accessor macros. model.h is included by subsystem .c files in the model.
If you are interfacing your hand-written code to generated code for one or more models, you should include model.h for each model to which you want to interface.

model_data.c is conditionally generated. It contains the declarations for the parameters data structure and the constant block I/O data structure. If these data structures are not used in the model, model_data.c is not generated. Note that these structures are declared extern in model.h.
Provides forward declarations for the real-time model data structure and the parameters data structure. These may be needed by function declarations of reusable functions. model_types.h is included by all the generated header files in the model.
This file is generated only if the Generate an example main program option is on. (This option is on by default). See Auto-generated Main Program.
This file is generated only if the Generate code only and Generate an example main program options are off. See Auto-generated Main Program.
autobuild.h contains #include directives required by the static version of the ert_main.c main program module. Since the static ert_main.c is not created at code generation time, it includes autobuild.h to access model-specific data structures and entry points.
Provides data structures that enable a running program to access model parameters without use of external mode. To learn how to generate and use the model_pt.c file, see "C API for Parameter Tuning" in the Real-Time Workshop documentation.
Provides data structures that enable your code to access block outputs. To learn how to generate and use the model_bio.c file, see "Signal Monitoring via Block Outputs" in the Real-Time Workshop documentation.

If you have interfaced hand-written code to code generated by previous releases of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder, you may need to remove dependencies on header files that are no longer generated. Use #include model.h directives, and remove #include directives referencing any of the following:

See also Code Modules in the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder documentation.

Template Makefile for Tornado

We have provided a simplified version of the Tornado target template makefile support deployment of Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder code on the VxWorks operating system. See matlabroot/rtw/c/ert/ert_tornado.tmf for details.

Major Bug Fixes

Fixed Incorrect Effects of Expression Folding for Action Subsystems

With expression folding enabled, models containing action subsystems ( such as For Iterator Subsystems or While Iterator Subsystems) could generate invalid or inefficient code. This problem has been fixed.

Removed License Restriction on Loading Objects with Custom Storage Classes

In Release 12, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder license was checked when loading Simulink data objects that contained custom storage classes. This license dependency has been removed; the license is now checked only when you generate code with data containing custom storage classes.

If you have created your own subclasses of Simulink data objects that contain custom storage classes, you should reload your classes into theSimulink Data Class Designer and regenerate them to remove the license dependency.

Known Software and Documentation Problems

This section describes a known documentation problem in Version 1.0.1.

Considerations for Use of Initialize Internal
Data Option

This note supplements the discussion of the Initialize internal data option in the Basic Code Generation Options section of the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder User's Guide. This information was not included in previous editions of that document.

Consider carefully the effect of the Initialize internal data option when generating code from a model or generating a Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder wrapper S-function. By default, the Initialize internal data option is turned on, guaranteeing that memory will be in a known state each time the code begins execution.

If you turn the option off, running a model (or a generated S-function) multiple times can result in different answers for each run. This behavior is sometimes desirable. For example, you can turn off Initialize internal data if you want to test the behavior of your design during a warm boot (i.e., a restart without full system reinitializiation).

In cases where you have turned off Initialize internal data but still want to get the same answer on every run from a Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generated S-function, you can use either of the following MATLAB commands before each run:


Upgrading from an Earlier Release

This section describes the upgrade issues involved in moving from the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder 2.0 to Version 3.0.

Changes to Main Program Module (ert_main.c)

In this release, the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates a model-specific example main program module by default. For backwards compatibility, we continue to provide a static (non-generated) version of ert_main.c.

To use the static version of ert_main.c , (or continue using a previously customized version), note that certain modifications to ert_main.c may be required. See Modifying the Static Main Program Module for modification guidelines.

HTML Code Generation Report Changes

In prior releases, the Generate HTML report option was available only for the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. In the current release, a limited report is available for all targets (except the S-Function target and the Rapid Simulation target), while the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder continues to generate a more extensive report.

The Generate HTML report option is now located in the General code generation options category of the Real-Time Workshop page of the Simulation Parameters dialog box. The option is on by default.

See Generating a Code Generation Report in the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder User's Guide for further information.

Include Model Name in Exported Structures
Option Superseded

The Include model name in exported structures option has been superseded by the more general Prefix model name to global identifiers option. When this option is on, the Real-Time Workshop prefixes subsystem function names with the name of the model (model_). In addition, the model name is prefixed to the names of functions and data structures at the model level. This is useful in cases where you want to compile and link code from two or more models into a single executable, without name clashes.

Prefix model name to global identifiers is on by default. The option is located in the General code appearance options category of the Real-Time Workshop page of the Simulation Parameters dialog box.

Replace Obsolete Header File #includes

Generated code is packaged into different files in this release (see Revised Packaging of Generated Code Files). If you have interfaced your hand-written code to code generated by previous releases of Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder, you may need to remove dependencies on header files that are no longer generated.

Use #include model.h directives, and remove #include directives referencing any of the following:

Update Your Custom System Target Files

The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder template makefile, ert.tmf, now contains additional identifiers that were not defined in release 12.1 or earlier releases. If you are using an older system target file (such as a custom target file based on an earlier version of ert.tlc) with the new ert.tmf file, you should update the system target file to make sure that no make options are missing.

All missing makefile options are reported on the MATLAB window during the build process, so that you can easily update your custom system target files.

  Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Release Notes Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder 2.0 Release Notes