DSP Blockset Release Notes    

Infrastructure Changes

Multichannel frame-based processing

Blocks now support a frame-based processing mode which allows you to more faithfully model real-time DSP applications. Frame-based processing also provides significant performance gains, both during simulation and in the generated code (via Real Time Workshop)

All blocks which retain state information over time now provide optional multichannel frame-based processing, including all filters, delays, running statistics, etc.

New intrinsic complex data types

Complex data is now an intrinsic data type, and blocks and lines now automatically recognize when data is real or complex. This greatly reduces the risk of unintentionally sending complex data to a block which only accepts real inputs.

All blocks now accept both real and complex data at their input ports, including combinations of real and complex inputs.

The internal format for complex data has fundamentally changed, from a concatenation of the real followed by the imaginary part, to an interleaving of the real and imaginary parts. This leads to increased efficiency when processing complex data and generating code.

The DSP Blockset Complex library is now obsolete, and all basic complex blocks have moved to the Simulink library. For example, complex math may now be performed with the core Simulink math blocks.

Only source and sinks require sample time specifications

Enhancements to the Simulink S-Function API provides for automatic propagation of sample time information, removing the requirement for sample times to be entered in block dialogs.

Dynamic dialogs

Masks now support dynamic dialogs, where dialog controls may now change dynamically in response to user entries, simplifying block dialogs and reducing the chances for entry errors.

  DSP Blockset 3.0 Upgrading Models