DSP Blockset Release Notes    

New and Enhanced Blocks

Table 3-1 lists the blocks that are new in Version 4.0, as well as those (*) that received substantial enhancements above and beyond the general upgrade for matrix and frame support. Library levels are separated by a forward slash.

Table 3-1: New and Enhanced Blocks in the DSP Blockset 4.0 
Block Library
Block Name
DSP Sources

Generate a swept-frequency cosine. Version 4.0 adds bidirectional sweep.
Constant Ramp
Generate a ramp signal with length based on input dimensions.
Window Function*
Compute a window, and/or apply a window to an input signal. Version 4.0 can compute user-defined windows.
DSP Sinks
Signal To Workspace
Replaces To Workspace.
Spectrum Scope
Replaces FFT Frame Scope and Buffered FFT Frame Scope.
Vector Scope

Replaces Time Frame Scope, User-Defined Frame Scope, and Frequency Frame Scope.
Estimation / Linear Prediction
Autocorrelation LPC
Determine the coefficients of an Nth-order forward linear predictor.
Math Functions / Matrices and Linear Algebra / Linear System Solvers
SVD Solver
Solve the equation AX = B using singular value decomposition.
Math Functions / Matrices and Linear Algebra / Matrix Factorizations
Singular Value Decomposition
Compute the singular value decomposition of a matrix.
Math Functions / Matrices and Linear Algebra / Matrix Inverses
Cholesky Inverse
Compute the inverse of a Hermitian positive definite matrix using Cholesky factorization.
LDL Inverse
Compute the inverse of a Hermitian positive definite matrix using LDL factorization.
LU Inverse
Compute the inverse of a square matrix using LU factorization.
Compute the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse.
Math Functions / Matrices and Linear Algebra / Matrix Operations
Identity Matrix
Generate a matrix with ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
Select a subset of elements (submatrix) from a matrix input. Version 4.0 offers a major redesign of the block's interface.
Math Functions / Polynomial Functions
Least Squares Polynomial Fit
Compute the coefficients of the polynomial that best fits the input data in a least-squares sense.
Polynomial Stability Test
Determine whether all roots of the input polynomial are inside the unit circle using the Schur-Cohn algorithm.
Signal Management / Buffers
Rebuffer the input sequence to a smaller or larger frame size. In Version 4.0, the Buffer block incorporates all the capabilities of the former Rebuffer block. See "Minor Enhancements" below for more information.
Delay Line
Rebuffer a sequence of inputs with a one-sample shift. Previously called Shift Register.
Triggered Delay Line
Rebuffer a sequence of inputs with a one-sample shift. Previously called Triggered Shift Register.
Signal Management / Indexing
Multiport Selector
Distribute rows or columns of an input to multiple output ports.
Signal Management / Signal Attributes
Check Signal Attributes
Generate an error if input attributes differ from (or match) those specified.
Convert 1-D to 2-D
Reshape a 1-D or 2-D input to a 2-D matrix with the specified dimensions.
Convert 2-D to 1-D
Convert a 2-D matrix input to a 1-D vector.
Frame Status Conversion
Specify the frame status of the output, sample-based or frame-based.
Signal Operations
Alter the input size by padding or truncating rows and/or columns.
Simulink / Signals & Systems
Matrix Concatenation
Concatenate inputs horizontally or vertically.

Minor Enhancements

Rowwise Operations.   A number of blocks were enhanced to operate along both the row and column dimensions of inputs. Among the improved blocks are Zero Pad, Flip, Difference, and Cumulative Sum. All these blocks now allow you to select Rows or Columns as the dimension along which to operate.

Buffers Library Reorganization.   The Buffers library has undergone a minor reorganization. The Buffer block now incorporates all the capabilities of the former Rebuffer block, which has been removed. The former Shift Register and Triggered Shift Register blocks have also been renamed to Delay Line and Triggered Delay Line, respectively.

  Frame Support Library Reorganization