Data Acquisition Toolbox Release Notes    

Known Software and Documentation Problems

This section describes known problems associated with Keithley hardware.

For a list of bugs reported in the previous release that remain open, see Known Software and Documentation Problems.

Keithley Hardware

Known problems associated with Keithley hardware are described below. If there is a known resolution, then it is described as well.

Data missed event on output
KCPI-1801/02 KPCI-3110
For high sample rates and large numbers of samples, these boards may drop samples on output. To avoid this problem, try increasing the default BufferingConfig property value.
No output at maximum sampling rate
When the sampling rate is set above 600 kHz, the output is corrupted.
Cannot sample properly below 10 Hz
For sample rates at or below approximately 10 Hz, the acquisition takes longer than expected. For example, a one second acquisition at 10 Hz takes approximately three seconds.
This is due to a limitation in the number of blocks that the hardware device can transfer at a time. To avoid this problem, use software clocking.
Time out on output
Software clocked devices
Some software clocked devices may time out when outputting data. This is due to a limitation in the number of blocks that the hardware devices can transfer at a time.
Queuing data while running
KPCI-1801/02HC KPCI-3110
If an analog output object is running and more data is queued, then no data is output. To avoid this problem, try increasing the default BufferingConfig property value.
Digital triggers are not available
Digital triggers are not available if supported in interrupt mode. This applies to both start and stop triggers. Digital triggers are available only if supported in DMA mode.
Limited channel skew values
PCMCIA boards
These boards support only these specific channel skew values: 10 us, 20 us, 40 us.
SS/H not supported for analog output
PCMCIA boards, DDA-08, DDA-16
The analog output subsystems for these boards have simultaneous sample and hold (SS/H) capabilities. However, the toolbox does not support this feature.
Repeating triggers may result in dropped samples
If the TriggerRepeat property is nonzero, samples may be dropped during acquisition. To avoid this problem, configure the BufferingConfig property to an exact multiple of the SamplesPerTrigger property.
Analog input subsystem not available

  National Instruments Hardware Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.1 Release Notes