Data Acquisition Toolbox Release Notes    

Known Software and Documentation Problems

This section updates the Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.1 documentation set, describing known software problems.

See Known Software Problems for information about known software problems in Version 2.0.

High Resolution Sound Cards

To use the high resolution capabilities for some sound cards, you may need to configure BitsPerSample to 32 even if your device does not use that number of bits.

The putdata Function

You should not modify the BitsPerSample, InputRange, SensorRange, and UnitsRange properties after calling putdata. If these properties are modified, all data is deleted from the data acquisition engine. If you add a channel after calling putdata, then all data will be deleted from the buffer.

The daqread Function

Property values specified as a cell array are not returned from a .daq file.

Vendor Limitations

Limitations associated with the supported vendors are described in Vendors.

  Upgrading from an Earlier Release Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.0 Release Notes